[CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT]: NSFT Masterclass: How not to select a Head of Recovery, Participation and Partnership

Muppets interview censored by legal threats

UPDATE: 16/6/2016: It is with great regret that we have been forced to censor this article as the NSFT Board is happy to waste NHS money on the expensive lawyers at Bevan Brittan. We, as a campaign group consisting entirely of volunteers, do not have access to NHS funds to fight expensive legal cases and wouldn’t squander taxpayers’ money intended for mental health services censoring the free speech of stakeholders even if we did. This isn’t the first time NSFT has wasted NHS funds trying to silence us. We maintain our belief in the accuracy of the original published account, the publication of which is clearly in the public interest. We offered the Chair of NSFT the opportunity to inform us of any factual inaccuracies in the article but he has never chosen to do so. The Director of Nursing told us NSFT does not have the time, money or resources to further investigate the causes of the near-doubling of unexpected deaths at NSFT. However, the Board of NSFT does have the time, money and resources to spend on expensive lawyers and an internal ‘kangaroo court’ investigation into how this highly embarrassing but accurate account of the working of the Stakeholder Panel became public. We’d rather the Board of NSFT investigated why twice as many people are dying now as three years ago. Shameful. 

Stakeholders concerned about the selection process for the Head of Recovery, Participation and Partnership write:

“A group of us were invited to be stakeholders as part of the appointment process for the Head of Recovery, Participation and Partnership. We were a mixture of carer representatives, service users, governors and staff.
The [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT], was NSFT’s facilitator for our group – appointed by the Director of Nursing. This seemed strange, given the role being interviewed for, as we would have thought one of the carer or service user representatives would have been better suited.

We had been given no information about the candidates beforehand which again seemed strange as we would have expected to be given the applications in advance to read over so that we were suitably prepared.  We queried this and were told that being presented with the information on the morning was normal procedure.  What it meant was that we had less than half an hour before we were due to start interviewing to read the applications and therefore we did not have a chance to read them properly. Already, we were receiving an indication that maybe our role wasn’t considered important to the appointment process.  There were a couple of people on the stakeholder panel who were able to read at great speed and were therefore able to pick up on a few bits from the first couple of applicants. But this wasn’t good enough.

Each applicant had been asked to write a presentation on a rather long-winded question:
“Achieving participation and embedding recovery in an organisation requires cultural change and staff commitment.  How will you lead this and what will tell you that you were successful?”

After the presentation there were three questions – one from each of the values of the Trust that [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] had decided she was asking on our behalf.  Again these questions were exceptionally long.  We were told there wasn’t enough time for each of us to ask a question given our facilitators predetermined questions and therefore it was decided that a few of our group would have the opportunity to each ask a question approved by the rest.

The first candidate was due to present at 10 a.m. but didn’t arrive.  Almost 25 minutes later an unfortunate, flustered gentleman turn up, apologising profusely. His letter, which had been checked by those greeting the candidates, had incorrectly stated his slot was at 11 a.m.  [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] apologised but pointed out we couldn’t wait as she felt that wouldn’t be fair on the other candidates.

The sheets on which it was expected we would write comments about the way each candidate answered the three predetermined “set questions” were not numerous enough for us to have one each and so we were asked to hand over any notes we made on separate sheets of paper after we discussed each candidate.  We were running behind for the whole morning slots after the mishap with the first candidate.  There were six candidates in total and the interviews went on all day.
When we broke for lunch we had decided after discussion that the first three were not suitable for the role although the scoring system we were using was bizarre. We were scoring candidates from 1-4, with the category descriptions roughly being:
  • 4 = exceeded expectations;
  • 3 = met expectations;
  • 2 = didn’t meet expectations; and
  • 1 = nowhere near expectations.

It was clear that the minimum standard for appointment was two, i.e. didn’t meet expectations – this was written on the feedback forms.  In other words, a candidate didn’t have to meet expectations in order to be appointed. Really????  We were scoring each candidate firstly on their presentation and secondly overall. We didn’t do this individually but collectively.  The whole stakeholder panel was in agreement that those first three candidates were not appointable.

Things became more interesting after lunch with the final three candidates, or, more accurately, two of the candidates in particular.  It became evident that one of the six candidates was favoured more than the others from the way that [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] responded to him as well as the way she disagreed with the stakeholder feedback when we were discussing him.  There was a definite sense that we were being pushed towards [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] as the most suitable candidate.  Granted [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] answered the question set in his presentation and, in fact, he was the only one who did and so he scored three for his presentation.  But part of his presentation was also concerning: he used a quote from E.M. Forster:
“One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested”.
And with that quote [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] effectively put himself out of the running: he didn’t have passion, he didn’t have drive and although he talked about co-production it was more about seeking best practice from elsewhere.  He didn’t answer the follow-up questions from the stakeholder panel but mostly waffled his way through and it was evident that he did not have a wealth of expertise behind him. [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] kept trying to push us into giving a more positive response about [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT].  Overall [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] scored 2/2.5.
[CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] was another candidate who came across as a stronger potential candidate.  She wasn’t perfect but we felt [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] had more potential and seemed more willing to learn.
However, the stakeholder panel came to the conclusion that none of the six candidates were appointable.  None of them did enough and “wowed” the panel.  None of them came across with the necessary enthusiasm and conviction that would be needed in the role.  Only one of us, the “[CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT]”, thought that [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] or [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] were potentially appointable.  We wanted to ask the [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT], [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT], what would happen as a result of us saying none of them were appointable.
The majority of the stakeholder panel believed they surely wouldn’t appoint.  Well, how could they, given the nature of the role – Head of Recovery, Participation and Partnership – surely they wouldn’t ignore the views of the stakeholder panel?  [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] wanted to go and ask the question for us – she didn’t seem keen to let us near the interviewing panel.  Fortuitously, [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] came to see us.  One of our group asked [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] what would happen if we said none of them were appointable – would they go ahead and appoint anyway – and [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] said yes.  She said that they had found four potential candidates but there were two they were having difficulty choosing between.  Therefore, she wouldn’t make a decision that night but would go and sleep on it and decide the following morning.
You could see the looks of disbelief around the table as she spoke.  We told [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] that the majority of us thought none of them were appointable.  It was suggested by one of the group that the interviewing panel came in to speak to us so that we could discuss our views but we were told that wasn’t possible as it was late and people had to go.  It was left for [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] to feedback to them – to be our voices – even though it was clear that she had a predetermined preferred candidate.  With an air of resignation, the Stakeholder Panel said if they had to appoint someone it should be [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] but the person it should most certainly not be was [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT].
The majority of the Stakeholder Panel left that day feeling they had wasted their time.  What was the point in involving them as stakeholders in this key post when they weren’t being listened to and their views were not taken into account?  You could understand it more if it was for a different role but this one – how on earth can you appoint someone the stakeholder panel did not want to the engagement role?  It wasn’t even a small panel – there were at least ten of us there!  NSFT asked people to participate and give their opinions and then NSFT ignored those opinions.  Instead, [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] picked the members of the stakeholder group off, one by one, in the days following the interview with conversations. She placed pressure on us to try and agree with the views of the interview panel and twisted our words, stating that members of the stakeholder panel had changed their opinions when they had been spoken to on a one-to-one basis.  The one person almost the entire majority of the stakeholder group said do not appoint under any circumstances was [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] and yet that is [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT].
Well done, NSFT.  You have once again proved that you don’t give a damn about staff on the ground, service users, carers or governors.  This was a key role to improve the way the Trust works with all of those people and a chance to appoint someone dynamic, driven, personable and who values the work that stakeholders do.  Instead you’ve railroaded the appointment of a [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT] who is an NSFT bureaucrat through and through and in doing so you have destroyed the belief that you value stakeholders and want to work in partnership to improve participation and recovery.

The Head of Recovery, Participation and Partnership is a Band 8c job paying between £56,104 and £68,484 per year.

264 thoughts on “[CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT]: NSFT Masterclass: How not to select a Head of Recovery, Participation and Partnership”

  1. How sad. Another yes man appointed. How insulting to those asked to participate. It’s not that Directors and their puppets are so much more intelligent and knowledgeable than you (as they want you to think). THEY ARE BUSY LINING THEIR OWN POCKETS WITH PUBLIC MONEY AND APPOINTING WHOEVER WILL PROTECT THAT. THEY ARE DESTROYING OUR NHS THEY HAVEN’T EVEN GOT THE IQ TO SEE THEY ARE KILLING THE GOOSE ….

  2. Another manager runs away from difficult front line operational management in the middle of major change to what they consider to be a cushty number. Just before the CQC visit too. Well done, [CENSORED FOLLOWING LEGAL THREATS FROM NSFT], former acolyte of Kathy Chapman. We front line staff just get downbanded and blamed.

  3. PBN sites
    We will build a network of PBN sites!

    Advantages of our private blog network:

    We perform everything SO THAT GOOGLE doesn’t comprehend that this A private blog network!!!

    1- We acquire web domains from distinct registrars

    2- The principal site is hosted on a VPS hosting (VPS is fast hosting)

    3- Other sites are on separate hostings

    4- We designate a unique Google ID to each site with confirmation in Search Console.

    5- We make websites on WP, we don’t employ plugins with the help of which Trojans penetrate and through which pages on your websites are created.

    6- We do not duplicate templates and utilize only individual text and pictures

    We do not work with website design; the client, if wished, can then edit the websites to suit his wishes

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  15. kantorbola
    Kantorbola adalah situs slot gacor terbaik di indonesia , kunjungi situs RTP kantor bola untuk mendapatkan informasi akurat slot dengan rtp diatas 95% . Kunjungi juga link alternatif kami di kantorbola77 dan kantorbola99 .

  16. Euro
    UEFA Euro 2024 Sân Ch?i Bóng ?á H?p D?n Nh?t C?a Châu Âu

    Euro 2024 là s? ki?n bóng ?á l?n nh?t c?a châu Âu, không ch? là m?t gi?i ??u mà còn là m?t c? h?i ?? các qu?c gia th? hi?n tài n?ng, s? ?oàn k?t và tinh th?n c?nh tranh.

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    Sân v?n ??ng

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    ??c là m?t ??t n??c giàu có l?ch s? bóng ?á v?i nhi?u thành công qu?c t? và trong nh?ng n?m g?n ?ây, h? ?ã th? hi?n s?c m?nh c?a mình ? c? m?t tr?n qu?c t? và câu l?c b?.

    Vi?c t? ch?c Euro 2024 t?i ??c không ch? là m?t c? h?i ?? th? hi?n n?ng l?c t? ch?c tuy?t v?i mà còn là m?t d?p ?? gi?i thi?u v?n hóa và s?c m?nh th? thao c?a qu?c gia này.

    ??i tuy?n tham d? gi?i ??u Euro 2024

    Euro 2024 s? quy t? 24 ??i tuy?n hàng ??u t? châu Âu. Các ??i tuy?n này s? là nh?ng ??i di?n cho s? ?a d?ng v?n hóa và phong cách ch?i bóng ?á trên kh?p châu l?c.

    Các ??i tuy?n hàng ??u nh? ??c, Pháp, Tây Ban Nha, B?, Italy, Anh và Hà Lan s? là nh?ng ?ng viên n?ng ký cho ch?c vô ??ch.

    Trong khi ?ó, các ??i tuy?n nh? h?n nh? Iceland, Wales hay Áo c?ng s? mang ??n nh?ng b?t ng? và thách th?c cho các ??i th?.

    Các ??i tuy?n tham d? ???c chia thành 6 b?ng ??u, g?m:

    B?ng A: ??c, Scotland, Hungary và Thu? S?
    B?ng B: Tây Ban Nha, Croatia, Ý và Albania
    B?ng C: Slovenia, ?an M?ch, Serbia và Anh
    B?ng D: Ba Lan, Hà Lan, Áo và Pháp
    B?ng E: B?, Slovakia, Romania và Ukraina
    B?ng F: Th? Nh? K?, Gruzia, B? ?ào Nha và C?ng hoà Séc

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  26. Exciting Breakthroughs and Renowned Franchises in the Domain of Gaming

    In the dynamic environment of digital entertainment, there’s perpetually something new and exciting on the forefront. From enhancements elevating cherished classics to new launches in iconic universes, the digital entertainment realm is flourishing as ever.

    Let’s take a overview into the latest announcements and certain the most popular releases captivating audiences across the globe.

    Most Recent Announcements

    1. Cutting-Edge Enhancement for Skyrim Optimizes NPC Visuals
    A recent modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has captured the interest of fans. This mod brings detailed faces and realistic hair for each (NPCs), enhancing the game’s visual appeal and engagement.

    2. Total War Series Experience Set in Star Wars Realm in Development

    Creative Assembly, famous for their Total War series, is supposedly developing a upcoming title set in the Star Wars Universe universe. This captivating collaboration has gamers anticipating with excitement the profound and immersive journey that Total War experiences are acclaimed for, finally situated in a galaxy remote.

    3. GTA VI Launch Communicated for Late 2025
    Take-Two’s CEO’s CEO has revealed that GTA VI is set to release in Q4 2025. With the enormous acclaim of its prior release, Grand Theft Auto V, gamers are eager to experience what the upcoming entry of this legendary franchise will offer.

    4. Growth Initiatives for Skull & Bones Sophomore Season
    Developers of Skull & Bones have disclosed enhanced strategies for the game’s second season. This nautical saga promises additional features and updates, maintaining gamers captivated and engrossed in the domain of high-seas swashbuckling.

    5. Phoenix Labs Developer Deals with Personnel Cuts

    Unfortunately, not all developments is positive. Phoenix Labs Studio, the creator developing Dauntless Experience, has revealed significant personnel cuts. In spite of this difficulty, the game keeps to be a beloved option amidst fans, and the company remains dedicated to its community.

    Renowned Titles

    1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game
    With its compelling story, engrossing domain, and captivating gameplay, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt continues to be a beloved title amidst players. Its intricate narrative and wide-ranging open world continue to attract enthusiasts in.

    2. Cyberpunk 2077 Game
    Notwithstanding a problematic arrival, Cyberpunk 2077 keeps a long-awaited game. With ongoing updates and fixes, the game persists in advance, presenting fans a glimpse into a futuristic future abundant with intrigue.

    3. Grand Theft Auto V

    Yet years post its debut debut, Grand Theft Auto V remains a renowned choice among enthusiasts. Its expansive nonlinear world, enthralling narrative, and online features sustain gamers revisiting for more journeys.

    4. Portal
    A legendary puzzle game, Portal Game is acclaimed for its innovative features and ingenious level design. Its demanding conundrums and humorous dialogue have established it as a standout title in the gaming realm.

    5. Far Cry 3 Game
    Far Cry Game is hailed as a standout entries in the series, presenting fans an nonlinear exploration filled with excitement. Its compelling narrative and renowned entities have solidified its status as a cherished experience.

    6. Dishonored
    Dishonored is acclaimed for its stealth systems and exceptional realm. Gamers take on the role of a supernatural assassin, navigating a city rife with institutional intrigue.

    7. Assassin’s Creed 2

    As a segment of the renowned Assassin’s Creed Series franchise, Assassin’s Creed is cherished for its compelling plot, enthralling mechanics, and time-period settings. It remains a exceptional title in the universe and a cherished within gamers.

    In closing, the universe of interactive entertainment is prospering and ever-changing, with new developments

  27. SUPERMONEY88: Situs Game Online Deposit Pulsa Terbaik di Indonesia

    SUPERMONEY88 adalah situs game online deposit pulsa terbaik tahun 2020 di Indonesia. Kami menyediakan berbagai macam game online terbaik dan terlengkap yang bisa Anda mainkan di situs game online kami. Hanya dengan mendaftar satu ID, Anda bisa memainkan seluruh permainan yang tersedia di SUPERMONEY88.

    Keunggulan SUPERMONEY88

    SUPERMONEY88 juga merupakan situs agen game online berlisensi resmi dari PAGCOR (Philippine Amusement Gaming Corporation), yang berarti situs ini sangat aman. Kami didukung dengan server hosting yang cepat dan sistem keamanan dengan metode enkripsi termutakhir di dunia untuk menjaga keamanan database Anda. Selain itu, tampilan situs kami yang sangat modern membuat Anda nyaman mengakses situs kami.

    Layanan Praktis dan Terpercaya

    Selain menjadi game online terbaik, ada alasan mengapa situs SUPERMONEY88 ini sangat spesial. Kami memberikan layanan praktis untuk melakukan deposit yaitu dengan melakukan deposit pulsa XL ataupun Telkomsel dengan potongan terendah dari situs game online lainnya. Ini membuat situs kami menjadi salah satu situs game online pulsa terbesar di Indonesia. Anda bisa melakukan deposit pulsa menggunakan E-commerce resmi seperti OVO, Gopay, Dana, atau melalui minimarket seperti Indomaret dan Alfamart.

    Kami juga terkenal sebagai agen game online terpercaya. Kepercayaan Anda adalah prioritas kami, dan itulah yang membuat kami menjadi agen game online terbaik sepanjang masa.

    Kemudahan Bermain Game Online

    Permainan game online di SUPERMONEY88 memudahkan Anda untuk memainkannya dari mana saja dan kapan saja. Anda tidak perlu repot bepergian lagi, karena SUPERMONEY88 menyediakan beragam jenis game online. Kami juga memiliki jenis game online yang dipandu oleh host cantik, sehingga Anda tidak akan merasa bosan.

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    PRO88: Situs Game Online Deposit Pulsa Terbaik di Indonesia

    PRO88 adalah situs game online deposit pulsa terbaik tahun 2020 di Indonesia. Kami menyediakan berbagai macam game online terbaik dan terlengkap yang bisa Anda mainkan di situs game online kami. Hanya dengan mendaftar satu ID, Anda bisa memainkan seluruh permainan yang tersedia di PRO88.

    Keunggulan PRO88

    PRO88 juga merupakan situs agen game online berlisensi resmi dari PAGCOR (Philippine Amusement Gaming Corporation), yang berarti situs ini sangat aman. Kami didukung dengan server hosting yang cepat dan sistem keamanan dengan metode enkripsi termutakhir di dunia untuk menjaga keamanan database Anda. Selain itu, tampilan situs kami yang sangat modern membuat Anda nyaman mengakses situs kami.

    Berbagai Macam Game Online

    Kami menyediakan berbagai macam game online terbaik yang bisa Anda mainkan kapan saja dan di mana saja. Dengan satu ID, Anda bisa menikmati semua permainan yang tersedia, mulai dari permainan kartu, slot, hingga taruhan olahraga. PRO88 memastikan semua game yang kami sediakan adalah yang terbaik dan terlengkap di Indonesia.

    Keamanan dan Kenyamanan

    Kami memahami betapa pentingnya keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi para pemain. Oleh karena itu, PRO88 menggunakan server hosting yang cepat dan sistem keamanan dengan metode enkripsi termutakhir di dunia. Ini memastikan bahwa data pribadi dan transaksi Anda selalu aman bersama kami. Tampilan situs yang modern juga dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman bermain yang nyaman dan menyenangkan.


    PRO88 adalah pilihan terbaik untuk Anda yang mencari situs game online deposit pulsa yang aman dan terpercaya. Dengan berbagai macam game online terbaik dan terlengkap, serta dukungan keamanan yang canggih, PRO88 siap memberikan pengalaman bermain game yang tak terlupakan. Daftar sekarang juga di PRO88 dan nikmati semua permainan yang tersedia hanya dengan satu ID.

    Kunjungi kami di PRO88 dan mulailah petualangan game online Anda bersama kami!

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    Ashley JKT48: Bintang yang Bersinar Cemerlang di Dunia Idol
    Siapakah Ashley JKT48?
    Siapakah tokoh muda talenta yang mencuri perhatian sejumlah besar fans musik di Nusantara dan Asia Tenggara? Dialah Ashley Courtney Shintia, atau yang terkenal dengan nama panggungnya, Ashley JKT48. Bergabung dengan grup idola JKT48 pada masa 2018, Ashley dengan lekas berubah menjadi salah satu anggota paling populer.

    Dilahirkan di Jakarta pada tgl 13 Maret 2000, Ashley memiliki darah Tionghoa-Indonesia. Ia mengawali kariernya di industri entertainment sebagai model dan pemeran, hingga akhirnya akhirnya bergabung dengan JKT48. Kepribadiannya yang ceria, nyanyiannya yang bertenaga, dan kemampuan menari yang memukau menjadikannya idola yang sangat dicintai.

    Pengakuan dan Pengakuan
    Kepopuleran Ashley telah diapresiasi melalui aneka penghargaan dan nominasi. Pada tahun 2021, beliau meraih penghargaan “Member Terpopuler JKT48” di ajang JKT48 Music Awards. Ia juga dianugerahi sebagai “Idol Terindah di Asia” oleh sebuah tabloid online pada masa 2020.

    Peran dalam JKT48
    Ashley mengisi fungsi utama dalam grup JKT48. Ia adalah member Tim KIII dan berperan menjadi dancer utama dan vokalis. Ashley juga menjadi member dari unit sub “J3K” bersama Jessica Veranda dan Jennifer Rachel Natasya.

    Karir Individu
    Selain aktivitasnya di JKT48, Ashley juga merintis perjalanan mandiri. Beliau telah mengeluarkan beberapa single, termasuk “Myself” (2021) dan “Falling Down” (2022). Ashley juga telah berkolaborasi dengan penyanyi lain, seperti Afgan dan Rossa.

    Aktivitas Personal
    Di luar dunia perform, Ashley dikenal sebagai pribadi yang humble dan friendly. Ashley menikmati menyisihkan jam bersama family dan kawan-kawannya. Ashley juga memiliki kegemaran melukis dan fotografi.

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    Download Perangkat Lunak 888 dan Peroleh Kemenangan: Petunjuk Cepat

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    Jika peluang pengeretan selesai, selesaikan lebih banyak aktivitas untuk mendapatkan tambahan opsi.
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    Dapatkan bonus jika keseluruhan pengeretan Kamu melampaui 100K dalam 1 hari.
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    Persyaratan Bertaruh:

    Hadiah butuh sekitar satu betting berlaku untuk diklaim.
    Aplikasi 888 memberikan aktivitas bertaruhan yang mengasyikkan dengan bonus tinggi. Unduh program saat ini dan rasakan kemenangan besar tiap waktu!

    Untuk info lebih rinci tentang penawaran, simpanan, dan sistem rekomendasi, periksa page home perangkat lunak.

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    Examining the World of Complimentary Poker

    In the modern age, poker have developed into commonly attainable entertainment alternatives. For those looking for an unpaid method to engage in poker, free poker games platforms supply a thrilling journey. This piece explores the perks and reasons for which free poker games has turned into a preferred preference for various participants.

    Pros of No-Cost Poker
    Cost-Free Entertainment
    One of the highly enticing aspects of complimentary poker is that it offers users with no-cost recreation. There is no demand to use funds to experience the gameplay, creating it reachable to everybody.

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    Experiencing free poker games allows enthusiasts to refine their competence without a single fiscal risk. It is a great environment for beginners to get the regulations and techniques of poker games.

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    Many poker game free websites provide possibilities for interactive connection. Gamers can communicate with peers, talk about techniques, and play cordial competitions.

    Why Complimentary Poker is Favored
    Poker game free are widely attainable, permitting users from numerous walks of life to play the gameplay.

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    Free poker games applications provide a wide selection of card games, ensuring that gamers can consistently uncover a game that suits their tastes.

    Final Thoughts
    No-cost poker provides a fun and reachable way for enthusiasts to enjoy the game of poker. With no fiscal risk, possibilities for enhancing abilities, and wide game selections, it is no wonder that many users choose complimentary poker as their favorite playing choice.

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    Examining Promotion Gambling Platforms: An Engaging and Reachable Gambling Possibility

    Sweepstakes casinos are growing into a well-liked option for users seeking an captivating and legal way to experience digital gambling. Differing from conventional virtual gaming hubs, contest casinos run under different legal models, facilitating them to provide activities and gifts without adhering to the same rules. This exposition investigates the notion of promotion gaming hubs, their merits, and why they are enticing a growing number of participants.

    Sweepstakes Casinos Explained
    A promotion betting site works by offering gamers with digital money, which can be applied to participate in games. Players can achieve more virtual money or real prizes, such as cash. The fundamental disparity from conventional betting sites is that players do not purchase funds straightforwardly but get it through advertising campaigns, including buying a goods or participating in a gratis access promotion. This system allows lottery gaming hubs to function legally in many regions where standard virtual wagering is regulated.

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  47. AML ????????

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  49. nettruyen
    NetTruyen ZZZ: N?n t?ng ??c truy?n tranh tr?c tuy?n dành cho m?i l?a tu?i
    NetTruyen ZZZ là n?n t?ng ??c truy?n tranh tr?c tuy?n mi?n phí v?i s? l??ng truy?n tranh lên ??n h?n 30.000 ??u truy?n v?i ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và t?c ?? t?i cao. N?n t?ng ???c xây d?ng v?i m?c tiêu mang ??n cho ng??i ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n tranh t?t nh?t, ??ng th?i t?o d?ng c?ng ??ng yêu thích truy?n tranh sôi ??ng và g?n k?t v?i h?n 11 tri?u thành viên (tính ??n tháng 7 n?m 2024).
    NetTruyen ZZZ – Kho tàng truy?n tranh phong phú:
    NetTruyen ZZZ s? h?u kho tàng truy?n tranh kh?ng l? v?i h?n 30.000 ??u truy?n thu?c nhi?u th? lo?i khác nhau nh?:

    ? Manga: Nh?ng b? truy?n tranh Nh?t B?n v?i nhi?u th? lo?i phong phú nh? lãng m?n, hành ??ng, hài h??c, v.v.
    ? NetTruyen anime: Hàng ngàn b? truy?n tranh anime ch?n l?c ???c ??ng t?i ??u ??n trên NetTruyen ZZZ ???c chuy?n th? t? phim ho?t hình Nh?t B?n v?i n?i dung h?p d?n và hình ?nh ??p m?t.
    ? Truy?n manga: H?n 10.000 b? truy?n tranh manga hay nh?t ???c ??ng t?i ??y ?? trên NetTruyen ZZZ.
    ? Truy?n manhua: H?n 5000 b? truy?n tranh manhua ???c ??ng t?i tr?n b? ??y ?? trên NetTruyen ZZZ.
    ? Truy?n manhwa: Nh?ng b? truy?n tranh manhwa Hàn Qu?c ???c yêu thích nh?t có ??y ?? trên NetTruyen v?i c?t truy?n lôi cu?n và hình ?nh b?t m?t cùng v?i nét v? ??c ?áo và n?i dung ?a d?ng.
    ? Truy?n ngôn tình: Nh?ng câu chuy?n tình yêu lãng m?n, ng?t ngào và ??y c?m xúc.
    ? Truy?n trinh thám: Nh?ng câu chuy?n ly k?, bí ?n và ??y lôi cu?n xoay quanh các v? án và quá trình phá án.
    ? Truy?n tranh xuyên không: Nh?ng câu chuy?n v? nh?ng nhân v?t du hành th?i gian ho?c không gian ??n m?t th? gi?i khác.
    NetTruyen ZZZ không ng?ng c?p nh?t nh?ng b? truy?n tranh m?i nh?t và hot nh?t trên th? tr??ng, ??m b?o mang ??n cho b?n ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n m?i m? và thú v? nh?t.
    Ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và n?i dung ??nh cao t?i NetTruyenZZZ:
    V?i h?n 30 tri?u l??t truy c?p h?ng tháng, NetTruyen ZZZ luôn chú tr?ng vào ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và n?i dung c?a các b? truy?n tranh ???c ??ng t?i trên n?n t?ng. Hình ?nh ???c hi?n th? s?c nét, rõ ràng, không b? m? hay v? ?nh. N?i dung ???c d?ch thu?t chính xác, d? hi?u và gi? nguyên v?n ý ngh?a c?a tác ph?m g?c.
    NetTruyen ZZZ h?p tác v?i ??i ng? d?ch gi? và biên t?p viên chuyên nghi?p, giàu kinh nghi?m ?? ??m b?o ch?t l??ng b?n d?ch t?t nh?t. N?n t?ng c?ng có h? th?ng ki?m duy?t n?i dung nghiêm ng?t ?? ??m b?o n?i dung lành m?nh, phù h?p v?i m?i l?a tu?i.
    Tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n m??t mà, ti?n l?i:
    NetTruyen ZZZ ???c thi?t k? v?i giao di?n ??p m?t, thân thi?n v?i ng??i dùng và d? dàng s? d?ng. B?n ??c có th? ??c truy?n tranh trên m?i thi?t b?, t? máy tính, ?i?n tho?i thông minh ??n máy tính b?ng. N?n t?ng c?ng cung c?p nhi?u tính n?ng ti?n l?i nh?:
    ? Tìm ki?m truy?n tranh theo tên, tác gi?, th? lo?i, v.v.
    ? L?u truy?n tranh yêu thích ?? ??c sau.
    ? ?ánh d?u trang ?? d? dàng quay l?i v? trí ?ang ??c.
    ? Chia s? truy?n tranh v?i b?n bè.
    ? Tham gia bình lu?n và th?o lu?n v? truy?n tranh.
    NetTruyen ZZZ luôn n? l?c ?? mang ??n cho b?n ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n m??t mà, ti?n l?i và thú v? nh?t.
    ??nh h??ng phát tri?n:
    NetTruyen ZZZ cam k?t không ng?ng phát tri?n và hoàn thi?n ?? tr? thành n?n t?ng ??c truy?n tranh tr?c tuy?n t?t nh?t dành cho b?n ??c t?i Vi?t Nam. N?n t?ng s? ti?p t?c c?p nh?t nh?ng b? truy?n tranh m?i nh?t và hot nh?t trên th? tr??ng th? gi?i, ??ng th?i nâng cao ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và n?i dung. NetTruyen ZZZ c?ng s? phát tri?n thêm nhi?u tính n?ng m?i ?? mang ??n cho b?n ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n t?t nh?t.
    NetTruyen ZZZ luôn ??t l?i ích c?a b?n ??c lên hàng ??u. N?n t?ng cam k?t:
    ? Cung c?p kho tàng truy?n tranh kh?ng l? và ?a d?ng v?i ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và n?i dung ??nh cao.
    ? Mang ??n cho b?n ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n m??t mà, ti?n l?i và thú v? nh?t.
    ? Luôn l?ng nghe ý ki?n ph?n h?i c?a b?n ??c và không ng?ng c?i thi?n ?? mang ??n d?ch v? t?t nh?t.
    NetTruyen ZZZ hy v?ng s? tr? thành ng??i b?n ??ng hành không th? thi?u c?a b?n trong hành trình khám phá th? gi?i truy?n tranh ??y màu s?c.
    K?t n?i v?i NetTruyen ZZZ ngay hôm nay ?? t?n h??ng nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n tuy?t v?i.

  50. nettruyen
    NetTruyen ZZZ: N?n t?ng ??c truy?n tranh tr?c tuy?n dành cho m?i l?a tu?i
    NetTruyen ZZZ là n?n t?ng ??c truy?n tranh tr?c tuy?n mi?n phí v?i s? l??ng truy?n tranh lên ??n h?n 30.000 ??u truy?n v?i ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và t?c ?? t?i cao. N?n t?ng ???c xây d?ng v?i m?c tiêu mang ??n cho ng??i ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n tranh t?t nh?t, ??ng th?i t?o d?ng c?ng ??ng yêu thích truy?n tranh sôi ??ng và g?n k?t v?i h?n 11 tri?u thành viên (tính ??n tháng 7 n?m 2024).
    NetTruyen ZZZ – Kho tàng truy?n tranh phong phú:
    NetTruyen ZZZ s? h?u kho tàng truy?n tranh kh?ng l? v?i h?n 30.000 ??u truy?n thu?c nhi?u th? lo?i khác nhau nh?:

    ? Manga: Nh?ng b? truy?n tranh Nh?t B?n v?i nhi?u th? lo?i phong phú nh? lãng m?n, hành ??ng, hài h??c, v.v.
    ? NetTruyen anime: Hàng ngàn b? truy?n tranh anime ch?n l?c ???c ??ng t?i ??u ??n trên NetTruyen ZZZ ???c chuy?n th? t? phim ho?t hình Nh?t B?n v?i n?i dung h?p d?n và hình ?nh ??p m?t.
    ? Truy?n manga: H?n 10.000 b? truy?n tranh manga hay nh?t ???c ??ng t?i ??y ?? trên NetTruyen ZZZ.
    ? Truy?n manhua: H?n 5000 b? truy?n tranh manhua ???c ??ng t?i tr?n b? ??y ?? trên NetTruyen ZZZ.
    ? Truy?n manhwa: Nh?ng b? truy?n tranh manhwa Hàn Qu?c ???c yêu thích nh?t có ??y ?? trên NetTruyen v?i c?t truy?n lôi cu?n và hình ?nh b?t m?t cùng v?i nét v? ??c ?áo và n?i dung ?a d?ng.
    ? Truy?n ngôn tình: Nh?ng câu chuy?n tình yêu lãng m?n, ng?t ngào và ??y c?m xúc.
    ? Truy?n trinh thám: Nh?ng câu chuy?n ly k?, bí ?n và ??y lôi cu?n xoay quanh các v? án và quá trình phá án.
    ? Truy?n tranh xuyên không: Nh?ng câu chuy?n v? nh?ng nhân v?t du hành th?i gian ho?c không gian ??n m?t th? gi?i khác.
    NetTruyen ZZZ không ng?ng c?p nh?t nh?ng b? truy?n tranh m?i nh?t và hot nh?t trên th? tr??ng, ??m b?o mang ??n cho b?n ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n m?i m? và thú v? nh?t.
    Ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và n?i dung ??nh cao t?i NetTruyenZZZ:
    V?i h?n 30 tri?u l??t truy c?p h?ng tháng, NetTruyen ZZZ luôn chú tr?ng vào ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và n?i dung c?a các b? truy?n tranh ???c ??ng t?i trên n?n t?ng. Hình ?nh ???c hi?n th? s?c nét, rõ ràng, không b? m? hay v? ?nh. N?i dung ???c d?ch thu?t chính xác, d? hi?u và gi? nguyên v?n ý ngh?a c?a tác ph?m g?c.
    NetTruyen ZZZ h?p tác v?i ??i ng? d?ch gi? và biên t?p viên chuyên nghi?p, giàu kinh nghi?m ?? ??m b?o ch?t l??ng b?n d?ch t?t nh?t. N?n t?ng c?ng có h? th?ng ki?m duy?t n?i dung nghiêm ng?t ?? ??m b?o n?i dung lành m?nh, phù h?p v?i m?i l?a tu?i.
    Tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n m??t mà, ti?n l?i:
    NetTruyen ZZZ ???c thi?t k? v?i giao di?n ??p m?t, thân thi?n v?i ng??i dùng và d? dàng s? d?ng. B?n ??c có th? ??c truy?n tranh trên m?i thi?t b?, t? máy tính, ?i?n tho?i thông minh ??n máy tính b?ng. N?n t?ng c?ng cung c?p nhi?u tính n?ng ti?n l?i nh?:
    ? Tìm ki?m truy?n tranh theo tên, tác gi?, th? lo?i, v.v.
    ? L?u truy?n tranh yêu thích ?? ??c sau.
    ? ?ánh d?u trang ?? d? dàng quay l?i v? trí ?ang ??c.
    ? Chia s? truy?n tranh v?i b?n bè.
    ? Tham gia bình lu?n và th?o lu?n v? truy?n tranh.
    NetTruyen ZZZ luôn n? l?c ?? mang ??n cho b?n ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n m??t mà, ti?n l?i và thú v? nh?t.
    ??nh h??ng phát tri?n:
    NetTruyen ZZZ cam k?t không ng?ng phát tri?n và hoàn thi?n ?? tr? thành n?n t?ng ??c truy?n tranh tr?c tuy?n t?t nh?t dành cho b?n ??c t?i Vi?t Nam. N?n t?ng s? ti?p t?c c?p nh?t nh?ng b? truy?n tranh m?i nh?t và hot nh?t trên th? tr??ng th? gi?i, ??ng th?i nâng cao ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và n?i dung. NetTruyen ZZZ c?ng s? phát tri?n thêm nhi?u tính n?ng m?i ?? mang ??n cho b?n ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n t?t nh?t.
    NetTruyen ZZZ luôn ??t l?i ích c?a b?n ??c lên hàng ??u. N?n t?ng cam k?t:
    ? Cung c?p kho tàng truy?n tranh kh?ng l? và ?a d?ng v?i ch?t l??ng hình ?nh và n?i dung ??nh cao.
    ? Mang ??n cho b?n ??c nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n m??t mà, ti?n l?i và thú v? nh?t.
    ? Luôn l?ng nghe ý ki?n ph?n h?i c?a b?n ??c và không ng?ng c?i thi?n ?? mang ??n d?ch v? t?t nh?t.
    NetTruyen ZZZ hy v?ng s? tr? thành ng??i b?n ??ng hành không th? thi?u c?a b?n trong hành trình khám phá th? gi?i truy?n tranh ??y màu s?c.
    K?t n?i v?i NetTruyen ZZZ ngay hôm nay ?? t?n h??ng nh?ng tr?i nghi?m ??c truy?n tuy?t v?i.

  51. coindarwin crypto news
    The Hidden Narrative Behind Solana’s Architect Toly’s Accomplishment
    After A Pair of Servings of Java plus a Ale
    Toly, the visionary behind Solana, started his journey with a modest practice – two cups of coffee and a beer. Unbeknownst to him, these moments would set the cogs of fate. At present, Solana stands as a formidable player in the blockchain world, with a billion-dollar market value.

    Ethereum ETF First Sales
    The Ethereum ETF just was introduced with an impressive trade volume. This milestone event observed several spot Ethereum ETFs from multiple issuers begin trading on American exchanges, creating unprecedented activity into the usually calm ETF trading environment.

    SEC Approved Ethereum ETF
    The SEC has formally approved the Ethereum exchange-traded fund to be listed. As a crypto asset featuring smart contracts, Ethereum is expected to significantly impact the blockchain sector with this approval.

    Trump’s Crypto Maneuver
    With the election nearing, Trump positions himself as the “President of Crypto,” constantly highlighting his support for the digital currency sector to gain voters. His strategy varies from Biden’s approach, seeking to capture the attention of the blockchain community.

    Elon Musk’s Crypto Moves
    Elon Musk, a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency space and a backer of the Trump camp, stirred things up again, boosting a meme coin associated with his antics. His engagement continues to influence market dynamics.

    Binance Developments
    Binance’s unit, BAM, is now allowed to allocate customer funds into U.S. Treasury instruments. Additionally, Binance observed its 7th anniversary, showcasing its development and securing various compliance licenses. At the same time, the company also made plans to take off several important cryptocurrency pairs, affecting different market players.

    AI and Market Trends
    Goldman Sachs’ leading stock analyst recently mentioned that artificial intelligence won’t lead to a revolution in the economy

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