Campaign to save
Mental Health Services in
Norfolk & Suffolk

Twitter: @NSFTCrisis

10 years of recycled statements. Sadly, for some, improvements come too late. We will remember them and keep fighting for positive change and accountability.

The campaign’s main aims for 2024 will be:
To get a public statuary inquiry 
Push for a police investigation
Disband the trust


Our latest Posts

Deaths Crisis

The Release of the Learning From Deaths report July 2024

Within the 25 July 2024 upcoming board meeting papers, NSFT have released their learning from deaths report following on from the Grant Thornton review and ...
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NSFT is a Foundation Trust, meaning members SHOULD be able to hold the board to account.

Due to NSFT being a Foundation Trust, it SHOULD mean that the public members, who can elect the governors can have more of a say ...
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Observer coverage about deaths linked to NSFT

On the 4th of May, The Observer covered a story, which included details about the son of a campaign member who was lost due to ...
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Update on Parliamentary matters after meeting with Minister and MP’s

Following on from some of the Campaign members meeting MPs and Minister Maria Caulfield at Portcullis house, there have been some movements. – explains ...
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The Independent reports a leaked NHS report uncovering 15,000 deaths in mental health community care A whistleblower has leaked a report suggesting that there have been around 15,000 deaths within a year in mental health community care. This figure ...
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Following the tragic and completely avoidable death of Christopher Sidle, family calls for public inquiry

Christopher Sidle was a service user under the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) when he sadly lost his life, despite warnings from family ...
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The UN Disability Committee raises NSFT Deaths with the UK Government

On 18th March 2024 the United Nations Disability Committee met in Geneva to hear the UK governments evidence as part of a follow-up to the ...
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Deaths Crisis

Concerns about MP George Freeman’s position of support after press interview

There was shock and anger after the ITV evening coverage was shown, with George Freeman explaining that the Trust should not be broken up and ...
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Campaign Members Meet with Under-Secretary of State of Mental Health and MPs.

On 12 March 2024, campaign members have been at Portcullis House to meet with MP’s of Norfolk and Suffolk as well as Maria Caulfield, the ...
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The parents of Ellie Woolnough in latest article in the Guardian – continuing concerns and more lives lost due to failures and a reluctance to care.

The parents of Ellie Woolnough feature in this Guardian article, talking of their daughter Ellie’s hope, how the trust were racing to discharge her and ...
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Deaths Crisis

Letter[s] to NHSE regarding the deaths crisis (and their NON reply..)

17 February 2024 The Campaign wrote to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), and the other organisiations on the 11 December 2023 due to their continuous ...
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Deaths Crisis

Letter to CQC regarding the deaths crisis at NSFT (and their reply)

17 February 2024 The Campaign wrote to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), and the other organisiations on the 11 December 2023 due to their continuous ...
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