Press Release: Victory! NSFT to reintroduce Assertive Outreach with £1m investment

UPDATE 06/05/2020:

Sadly, this was an April Fool.

The quotes from former Professor Jonathan Warren and Marie Gabriel are genuine and accurate, taken from the Board and Governors minutes.

Jonathan and Marie just never bothered to tell anyone that they weren’t going to do it any longer, hence the April Fool.

The clique and commissioners stopped them.

Sorry to all who had some hope that NSFT might do something decent and restore some hope.


Amidst all the global pandemic gloom, we have some good news.

We have just discovered that, after more than six years of campaigning by us, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is to reintroduce Assertive Outreach, one of the founding aims of our campaign.

Jonathan Warren, Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), told its Council of Governors:

Marie Gabriel, Chair of NSFT, confirmed this investment at NSFT’s main Board meeting:

A spokesperson for the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk said:

“We warmly welcome this investment of £1m in much needed assertive outreach services for the most in need of support, who were disregarded in the radical redesign. Too many lost their lives as a consequence of the abolition of assertive outreach.

We have been calling for the reintroduction of assertive outreach for more than six years and are delighted by this demonstration of leadership by NSFT’s Chief Executive and Chair.

This is certainly not the beginning of the end of the need for improvement at NSFT, but is perhaps the end of the beginning.”

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