EDP Front Page: Is ‘remote, awful and inhumane’ mental health support in north Norfolk behind a spate of young men’s deaths?

In investigative reporting that is worthy of a national journalism award, Jessica Frank-Keyes of the Eastern Daily Press writes: Grieving parents and a retired GP say “remote, awful and inhumane” mental health support is leaving young men in north Norfolk at a heightened risk of taking their own lives. In recent months two young men […]

EDP Front Page: Is ‘remote, awful and inhumane’ mental health support in north Norfolk behind a spate of young men’s deaths? Read More »

EDP: OPINION: Coroners are too quick to shy away from saying a death was a suicide – it is time for a change

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press writes: Across Europe, one person takes their own life every two hours. And in Norfolk we have significantly higher rates of suicide than other parts of the UK. The number of suicides in Norfolk is appalling: The age-adjusted three-year-rolling suicide rate, as published by the Office for National

EDP: OPINION: Coroners are too quick to shy away from saying a death was a suicide – it is time for a change Read More »

Meeting with NSFT on Monday 14th August

Sorry about the late notice. We are meeting NSFT to talk about improving its Suicide Prevention Strategy and recent moves elsewhere in the country to adopt a zero tolerance approach. Meet in the top car park at Hellesdon Hospital at 1645. The delegation will be led by Terry Skyrme. A location map is below:

Meeting with NSFT on Monday 14th August Read More »

EDP: Norfolk clinical commissioning group one of just nine in England to miss mental health investment target as suicide rates soar

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: One of Norfolk’s clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) is due to fall short of the amount of money it should be putting towards mental health despite latest figures showing the number of suicides in the area has rocketed. Research from the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) has shown

EDP: Norfolk clinical commissioning group one of just nine in England to miss mental health investment target as suicide rates soar Read More »

Gallery: Slides from Public Meeting: What is happening at NSFT? Do we still need a campaign?

You can view the presentation in the Gallery below or download the slides as a pdf to view offline, distribute or print.   The sources of the employment data are the various Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Annual Report and Accounts published between 2011 and 2015. The sources of the Serious Incident (SI)

Gallery: Slides from Public Meeting: What is happening at NSFT? Do we still need a campaign? Read More »

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