BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health services branded ‘inadequate’

A spokesman for the Campaign to Save Mental Health in Norfolk and Suffolk said: “The regulator confirms what our campaign has consistently said for more than a year.” Click on the image below to read Nic Rigby’s full article on the BBC News website.

BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health services branded ‘inadequate’ Read More »

EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health service faces being put into special measures for “inadequate” leadership and safety

The region’s under-fire mental health service should be put into special measures, the chief inspector of hospitals said today, after a highly-critical report branded the trust “inadequate”. Regulator the Care Quality Commission (CQC) rated Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) as “inadequate” overall in a damning report today, following an inspection in October last year.

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CQC: Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust is Inadequate

We rated Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust as inadequate overall because: We found that there was not a safe, effective or responsive service at this trust and the board needs to take urgent action to address areas of inadequacy. While the board and senior management had a vision with strategic objectives in place staff did not feel fully engaged

CQC: Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust is Inadequate Read More »

EDP: Family of man who jumped to his death from Norwich’s Castle Mall agree settlement with mental health service

Matthew Dunham, 25, was suffering from depression when he jumped from the shopping mall on May 9 2013. His family and the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) have settled a claim out of court, lawyers said today, after the trust admitted failures “materially contributed to the deceased taking his own life”. At an inquest

EDP: Family of man who jumped to his death from Norwich’s Castle Mall agree settlement with mental health service Read More »

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Mutualisation Application Part III

3. WHAT IS YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE LEVELS OF STAFF ENGAGEMENT IN YOUR ORGANISATION(S) AND THE MAIN CHALLENGES YOU CURRENTLY FACE TO IMPROVING THIS? Our staff engagement data is currently poor; NSFT scored very poorly in the 2013 NHS Staff survey, being in the bottom 20% of participants on many measures. Our overall staff engagement

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Mutualisation Application Part III Read More »

Guardian: NHS mental health care ‘pushed to breaking point by lack of beds’

The lack of acute beds available to mental health patients has left the system at breaking point, the Royal College of Psychiatrists has said. Illustrating the scale of the problem, the college said it understood that on one occasion last year there were no beds available for adults in England. It called for action to

Guardian: NHS mental health care ‘pushed to breaking point by lack of beds’ Read More »

Mirror: NHS crisis: Teen mental health patients put on ADULT wards in bed shortage

NHS England, a leaked email reveals, have told regional health bosses the shortage of beds is so bad that older teenagers are set to be admitted to adult wards The NHS beds crisis plumbed new depths as hospitals were advised to put teenage mental health patients onto adult wards. NHS England, a leaked email reveals,

Mirror: NHS crisis: Teen mental health patients put on ADULT wards in bed shortage Read More »

Observer: Beds crisis hits NHS care for mentally ill children

In the email seen by the Observer, which was sent on Friday on the instruction of national officials working for NHS England, the medical director for East Anglia, says: “I have just been asked to inform you all by the national specialist commissioning team of the current national lack of child and adolescent mental health

Observer: Beds crisis hits NHS care for mentally ill children Read More »

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Mutualisation Application Part I

1. WHAT IS YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE MAIN STRATEGIC CHALLENGES FACING YOUR ORGANISATION(S) AND HOW HAVE YOU ADDRESSED THESE TO DATE? 1. Challenge: Rising referrals, and falling revenues on historic block contracts, causing financial pressures. NSFT has demonstrated strategic leadership though implementing a merger of two previous trusts in 2012, and a full redesign and

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Mutualisation Application Part I Read More »

Kept in the dark: Some of NSFT’s ideas to improve staff engagement

Here are some of the ideas that the Board of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has told the Cabinet Office and the Department of Health it has planned to improve staff morale and engagement in its mutualisation proposals: “[NSFT] is now developing radical new plans to again reduce costs. These include a root-and-branch

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EDP: Mental health chief vows to improve staff morale as depression, stress and anxiety hits one in four sick workers

Emma Corlett, Unison steward at the NSFT, said: “The figures match what we have seen on the ground. “There are a number of factors that have impacted on staff, including significant loss of resources and the reorganisation of services. “The consequences of that was people applying for their own jobs and in some cases colleagues

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Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: NHS more than DOUBLES spending on private beds for mental health patients after slashing hundreds of its own beds – to save money

“In some areas, bed cuts were drastic. One trust alone, Norfolk and Suffolk, axed 74 mental health beds from its stock of 322 in just two years – a cut of almost a quarter.” Local MP Norman Lamb must be so proud of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) and his legacy as the

Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: NHS more than DOUBLES spending on private beds for mental health patients after slashing hundreds of its own beds – to save money Read More »

Video: Dr Irene Lampert talking about the CAMHS Crisis at our Anniversary Open Meeting

Watch the video below. If you are an Apple user and have trouble viewing the embedded video you can view it directly on Youtube. Sorry, this issue is a sometime side effect of the on-going battle between Google and Apple. Thank you to Andrew Day of Equal Lives for capturing the event so well.

Video: Dr Irene Lampert talking about the CAMHS Crisis at our Anniversary Open Meeting Read More »

Video: Mark Harrison of Equal Lives speaking at our Anniversary Open Meeting

Watch the video below. If you are an Apple user and have trouble viewing the embedded video you can view it directly on Youtube. Sorry, this issue is a sometime side effect of the on-going battle between Google and Apple. Thank you to Andrew Day of Equal Lives for capturing the event so well.

Video: Mark Harrison of Equal Lives speaking at our Anniversary Open Meeting Read More »

URGENT: A rare opportunity to directly question Norman Lamb, local MP and the Minister directly responsible for mental health at the Department of Health at a PUBLIC MEETING on health and care issues on Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Protest from 7 p.m.

There is a rare opportunity to question Norman Lamb this Thursday, 15 January, 1930 at the Market Hall, Saxmundham, IP17 1AF. We will be protesting beforehand from 1900 and then attending the meeting. It is vital that we challenge Norman Lamb over his government’s cuts to mental health, the disastrous reorganisation of the NHS which means

URGENT: A rare opportunity to directly question Norman Lamb, local MP and the Minister directly responsible for mental health at the Department of Health at a PUBLIC MEETING on health and care issues on Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Protest from 7 p.m. Read More »

Lobby NSFT Board of Governors Meeting: Thursday 8th January 2015, 1230, City Hall, Norwich NR2 1NH

We will be lobbying the Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Board of Governors meeting tomorrow. Meet at 1230 on the City Hall steps. Some of us will also be attending the meeting which runs from 1300-1700 in the Council Chamber. Please join us. Despite mountains of paperwork, detailed terms of reference and long meetings,

Lobby NSFT Board of Governors Meeting: Thursday 8th January 2015, 1230, City Hall, Norwich NR2 1NH Read More »

EDP: Fighting for the Vulnerable 2015: Join our pledge to help those who need us the most

Today, the EDP issues a clarion call to our wonderful community in East Anglia. Let’s join together in 2015 to help those who cannot help themselves. We believe that some of the most vulnerable people in Norfolk and Suffolk are not getting the support they need or deserve and we cannot stand by and watch

EDP: Fighting for the Vulnerable 2015: Join our pledge to help those who need us the most Read More »

Financial Crisis: An apology to NSFT from the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk & Suffolk

“Last year, the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk & Suffolk accused Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) of having spent £7.3 million on redundancies in 2013/4 in the midst of a recruitment crisis which placed mental health services at severe risk. At the time, NSFT said our claims were ‘inaccurate’. It

Financial Crisis: An apology to NSFT from the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk & Suffolk Read More »

BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust spent £600,000 on out-of-area beds IN ONE MONTH

The BBC reports: Money spent on sending Norfolk and Suffolk mental health patients to other parts of England almost tripled last month to £600,000, new figures show. A spokesman for the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk said: “NSFT and the local clinical commissioning groups need to properly fund both inpatient

BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust spent £600,000 on out-of-area beds IN ONE MONTH Read More »

EDP Editorial: This practice is terrible, so why is it still happening?

This practice is terrible, so why is it still happening? Doctors, patients and politicians all agree that sending people with mental health problems hundreds of miles away to get a bed is an awful idea. These patients are travelling to other parts of the country not for specialist treatment but simply because there is no space for them in Norfolk and

EDP Editorial: This practice is terrible, so why is it still happening? Read More »

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