Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job

During the radical redesign, highly trained and experienced front line nurses had their salaries cut and were made redundant or forced out of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) while the mental health trust had hundreds of vacancies and NSFT’s management knew caseloads would be unmanageable. Older, experienced clinical staff were dismissed, some literally, […]

Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job Read More »

Reaction to the management ‘radical restructure’ and return of Amy Eagle as Deputy Chief Operating Officer of NSFT

Here is just some of the feedback we have received: Closing services, discharging SUs, cutting care, death rate rises. Recognise it? Radical redesign in case you’ve forgotten. Carers and SUs can’t ever forget or forgive That appointment is shocking, they don’t seem to be taking seriously the risk to life of these decisions, we are

Reaction to the management ‘radical restructure’ and return of Amy Eagle as Deputy Chief Operating Officer of NSFT Read More »

Video: Amy Eagle’s contribution to NSFT’s corporate video for the first CQC inspection vs BBC coverage of Alexander Report

Compare what the new deputy Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Amy Eagle, said in NSFT’s corporate videos for the first Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection with what her staff said in the Alexander Report interviews at the same time. We forced publication of the secret report a year

Video: Amy Eagle’s contribution to NSFT’s corporate video for the first CQC inspection vs BBC coverage of Alexander Report Read More »

The Guardian: Nuwan Dissanayaka: Jamie is psychotic and won’t go outside. Mental health services are failing him

This article from Nuwan Dissanayaka needs to be read by everybody with an interest in mental health. Dr. Dissanayaka is really worth following on Twitter. We’re delighted Nuwan’s views are getting wider attention in the national press. Dr. Dissanayaka is the consultant psychiatrist in the Assertive Outreach team in Leeds. Of course, assertive outreach at

The Guardian: Nuwan Dissanayaka: Jamie is psychotic and won’t go outside. Mental health services are failing him Read More »

CAMHS Crisis: Joint Ofsted/CQC Inspection in Suffolk: NSFT’s CAMHS services are ‘poor quality’ and ‘next steps… may include the Secretary of State using his powers of intervention’

What does the joint Ofsted and Care Quality Commission (CQC) SEND inspection published today say about the provision of mental health services for children and young people in Suffolk by Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT)? The teams delivering health provision are not seen to be sufficiently responsive to children and young people with

CAMHS Crisis: Joint Ofsted/CQC Inspection in Suffolk: NSFT’s CAMHS services are ‘poor quality’ and ‘next steps… may include the Secretary of State using his powers of intervention’ Read More »

NHS Staff Survey 2018 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again – yet again

Yet again, the NHS Staff Survey results are appalling. Front line staff have been ‘led’ by overpaid muppets for far too long. With the publication of these results, the ‘leadership’ of the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Antek Lejk, has now been rejected by front line staff as well as service

NHS Staff Survey 2018 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again – yet again Read More »

Call to action: Norfolk and Waveney STP mental health consultation event: FREE: Monday 19th November, 1800-2030, Assembly House, Norwich NR2 1RQ

Norfolk and Waveney’s so-called STP is holding consultations across Norfolk with a view to creating a ten year strategy for mental health. The STP bureaucrats are talking about a Stalinist ten-year plan when mental health services are in crisis NOW. Of course, the bureaucrats will be long gone before the ten years are up, with

Call to action: Norfolk and Waveney STP mental health consultation event: FREE: Monday 19th November, 1800-2030, Assembly House, Norwich NR2 1RQ Read More »

BBC News: Peter Wrighton murder: Alexander Palmer doctors ‘warned’ of knife hoard

Robby West and Matt Precey of the BBC report: The parents of a mentally ill ex-soldier warned a health trust he was collecting knives before he murdered an 83-year-old dog walker. Alexander Palmer, 24, stabbed Peter Wrighton 45 times in woodland near East Harling, Norfolk, in August. A letter from a Norfolk and Suffolk NHS

BBC News: Peter Wrighton murder: Alexander Palmer doctors ‘warned’ of knife hoard Read More »

Press statement: Untrue and misleading statements made by Alistair Campbell

Yesterday, Alistair Campbell told the Eastern Daily Press: “On the one hand they’re saying services are terrible, and on the other hand they’re saying we don’t want any change. But there’s a bit of a big inconsistency in that. If they’re not happy with the services then at least look at some of the changes

Press statement: Untrue and misleading statements made by Alistair Campbell Read More »

NHS Staff Survey 2017 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again

Yet again, the NHS Staff Survey results are appalling. Even worse than 2016. The extremely expensive Comms Department at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) will try to spin these results, just as it did with the most recent CQC inspection which found that mental health services were unsafe for an unprecedented second time; that NSFT

NHS Staff Survey 2017 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again Read More »

BBC News: Richard Handley: ‘Gross failures’ in constipation death

BBC News reports: A “missed opportunity” for potentially life-saving treatment contributed to the death of a man from constipation complications, an inquest has found. Richard Handley, 33, who had Down’s syndrome, died at Ipswich Hospital on 17 November 2012. Some 10kg (22lb) of faeces was removed from his body two days before. Coroner Dr Peter

BBC News: Richard Handley: ‘Gross failures’ in constipation death Read More »

Norwich Evening News: Man “frustrated” at mental health delays took his own life after NHS 111 hung up on him

Dominic Gilbert of the Norwich Evening News reports: A 32-year-old with Asperger’s and emotionally unstable personality disorder took his own life when NHS 111 call handlers hung up on him after months of “frustrations” with mental health services. At the inquest into his death, John Worthington’s parents have said their son was “failed” for years

Norwich Evening News: Man “frustrated” at mental health delays took his own life after NHS 111 hung up on him Read More »

EDP: Tranquilisation changes came too little too late for Norwich man, says sister

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: “The sister of a mentally ill man who died after being tranquillised in hospital has slammed the region’s mental health trust for not addressing problems with the practice sooner. And a inquest into his death found failings in the care he received from Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation

EDP: Tranquilisation changes came too little too late for Norwich man, says sister Read More »

EDP: Ex-staff members speak out over ‘rotten foundations’ of mental health trust

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Healthcare professionals who used to work at the region’s mental health trust have slammed “rotten foundations” stemming from a radical redesign six years ago. Former employees have spoken of their disappointment at the latest inspection report into Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) which plunged the

EDP: Ex-staff members speak out over ‘rotten foundations’ of mental health trust Read More »

EDP Data shows mental health trust has cut doctors and nurses – but chief disputes the figures

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: New data has revealed the number of doctors at the region’s mental health trust has shrunk over the last five years – whilst the number of managers has risen. Figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) showed in July 2017 there were 20.3pc fewer

EDP Data shows mental health trust has cut doctors and nurses – but chief disputes the figures Read More »

Campaign statement on NHS Digital payroll data showing 52.7 increase in managers as more than twenty per cent of doctor and qualified nurses cut at NSFT over past five years

A spokesperson for the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk said: “Since 2013, we have repeatedly warned about the increasing number of managers employed at NSFT as mental health services have been savagely cut and the number of unexpected deaths has doubled. But the NHS payroll information is worse than we

Campaign statement on NHS Digital payroll data showing 52.7 increase in managers as more than twenty per cent of doctor and qualified nurses cut at NSFT over past five years Read More »

EDP: Mother of Norwich man who died of heroin overdose blames institutional failings of mental health trust

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The family of a man who died of a heroin overdose at his Norwich flat blamed “institutional failings of the mental health trust” for the circumstances surrounding his death. Mr Jacobs’ friends told Norfolk’s Coroner’s Court this morning it was here Mr Jacobs was victim to the

EDP: Mother of Norwich man who died of heroin overdose blames institutional failings of mental health trust Read More »

Video: BBC National News at Six: NSFT rated Inadequate and placed into Special Measures for Second Time

BBC Health Correspondent, Sophie Hutchinson, of the BBC national News at Six, reports on Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) becoming the mental health trust to be placed into Special Measures after being rated Inadequate by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) not just once but twice. Includes interviews with Cath Pickles, new NSFT CEO

Video: BBC National News at Six: NSFT rated Inadequate and placed into Special Measures for Second Time Read More »

BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust back in special measures

The BBC reports: A mental health trust has been put back in special measures after its board “failed” to address serious concerns raised since 2014, a report says. The Care Quality Commission (CQC), which rated the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) as inadequate, has called for a host of improvements. It is the

BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust back in special measures Read More »

EDP: Not enough staff, not enough beds – inspectors brand region’s mental health trust inadequate again

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The region’s mental health trust has once again been branded as failing as inspectors found serious issues first raised three years ago had not been fixed. Inspectors found patients at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) were unsafe and the service was inadequately led, as the

EDP: Not enough staff, not enough beds – inspectors brand region’s mental health trust inadequate again Read More »

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