NHS Staff Survey 2017 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again

Yet again, the NHS Staff Survey results are appalling. Even worse than 2016.

The extremely expensive Comms Department at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) will try to spin these results, just as it did with the most recent CQC inspection which found that mental health services were unsafe for an unprecedented second time; that NSFT doesn’t have enough doctors, staff and beds and that the number of deaths is high.

We’re frankly sick of the underfunding of mental health services by the Chief Executive of the Norfolk STP, Antek Lejk, and his bureaucrat buddies in the CCGs who have ignored the most important CQC recommendations. The proportion of the Norfolk NHS budget that NSFT receives has been cut by shocking 8.3 per cent since the establishment of the CCGs in 2013-14 as referrals have risen by 48 per cent.

Front line staff have been ‘led’ by overpaid muppets for far too long. Too many patients have paid with their lives.

Of course, executive directors of NSFT awarded themselves £10,000 pay rises for ‘performance’ and Chief Executive Michael Scott received a massive pay out despite his so-called ‘retirement’.

Here are the ‘highlights’ of NSFT’s performance in the NHS Staff Survey 2017:

  • Overall staff engagement – NSFT is worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England (2016 3rd worst)
  • Staff recommendation of trust as a place to work or to receive treatment – NSFT is worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 3rd worst)
  • Staff feeling satisfied with the quality of work and patient care they are able to deliver – NSFT is worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 3rd worst)
  • Staff satisfaction with resourcing and support – NSFT is worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 3rd worst)
  • Percentage of staff reporting good communication between senior management and staff – NSFT is worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England  – a significant decrease (2016 5th worst)
  • Fairness and effectiveness of procedures for reporting errors, near misses and incidents  –  NSFT is worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 4th worst)
  • Quality of appraisals – NSFT is worst of 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 2nd worst)
  • Staff satisfaction with level of responsibility and involvement – NSFT is worst of 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 3rd worst)
  • Effective use of patient / service user feedback – NSFT is 2nd worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England (2016 4th worst)
  • Percentage of staff agreeing that their role makes a difference to patients / service users – NSFT is 2nd worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England (2016 2nd worst)
  • Percentage of staff able to contribute towards improvements at work – NSFT is 2nd worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 3rd worst)
  • Staff confidence and security in reporting unsafe clinical practice –  NSFT is 2nd worst of 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 4th worst)
  • Support from immediate managers – NSFT is 2nd worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England (3rd worst 2016)
  • Organisation and management interest in and action on health and wellbeing -NSFT is 2nd worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 7th worst)
  • Staff motivation at work – NSFT is 2nd worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 2nd worst)
  • Recognition and value of staff by managers and the organisation – NSFT is 2nd worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant decrease (2016 4th worst)
  • Effective team working  -NSFT is 2nd worst of the 26 mental health trusts in England (2016 5th worst)
  • Percentage of staff appraised in the last twelve months – NSFT is 2nd worst of 26 mental health trusts in England (2016 worst)
  • Percentage of staff suffering work related stress in last 12 months – NSFT is 3rd worst of 26 mental health trusts in England (2016 3rd worst)
  • Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in last 12 months – NSFT is 5th worst of 26 mental health trusts in England (2016 5th worst) 
  • Percentage of staff experiencing discrimination at work in the last 12 months  – NSFT is 7th worst of 26 mental health trusts in England – a significant increase (2016 11th worst)

NSFT is a sick organisation.

NSFT needs decent funding and leadership: that doesn’t mean a takeover by the commissioning bureaucrats at the CCGs to avoid delivering the funding for mental health beds and staff demanded by the CQC or privatisation by Virgin Care.

Service users, carers and front line staff demand that their voices are heard: that there is genuine and broad engagement and co-production of mental health services; that the voice of the customer is heard rather than ignored.

Here are the appalling NSFT results in graphical form. Click on the image to visit the NHS Staff Survey 2017 Results website:

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