EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust loses cash and UEA medical students amid training concerns

Tom Bristow of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The region’s mental health trust has been stripped of some medical students and funding amid concerns about the quality of its training. The Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) was being paid by Health Education England (HEE) to train 47 medical students from the University of East […]

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Deaths Crisis: HSE: Hospital fined after safety failings led to dementia patient’s death

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has been fined £366,000 after the death of a patient on a specialist dementia ward. Norwich Crown Court heard how Mrs Joan Darnell, age 78, had been admitted as a patient to the Julian Hospital, on 28 September 2014 on the Blicking Ward, a specialist ward for patients suffering

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EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk NHS trust fined £366k after 78-year-old patient drowned in hospital bath

Christine Cunningham of the Eastern Daily Press reports: A Norfolk and Suffolk NHS trust has been fined £366,000 for health and safety failings after a 78-year-old patient was found drowned in a bath on a hospital ward. Joan Darnell, who had dementia and bipolar disorder, had been taken from her home in Field Grange, Lowestoft,

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Deaths Crisis: North Norfolk News: Gresham’s School sixthformer Rebecca Haley had watched programme featuring depression and suicide before taking her own life

Geraldine Scott of Norfolk Norfolk News reports: Rebecca Haley, known to friends as Becca, died on April 30 at the boarding school in Cromer Road, Holt. Rebecca was one of a staggering twenty Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) patients to die unexpected deaths in April 2016. In the first full year of NSFT’s

Deaths Crisis: North Norfolk News: Gresham’s School sixthformer Rebecca Haley had watched programme featuring depression and suicide before taking her own life Read More »

Deaths Crisis: Norfolk County Council’s Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) demands answers from NSFT

County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich Norfolk NR1 2DH Mr M Scott Chief Executive Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust Letter sent by email 9 September 2016 Dear Mr Scott Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) – unexpected deaths Thank you for attending Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (NHOSC) yesterday and presenting NSFT’s response to

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Newsflash: Meeting at NHS Improvement today to decide whether Monitor should release NSFT from Special Measures

Today, officials meet at NHS Improvement (NHSI) to decide whether Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation should be released from Special Measures. Usually, when a health trust is put into Special Measures, money follows from commissioners to help put things right. This has not happened at NSFT. In fact, it has been difficult to get NHS

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EDP: Third CCG boss resigns inside three months

Nicholas Carding of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Dr Sue Crossman, chief officer of West Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), today announced she has resigned after seven years as the health commissioning lead for West Norfolk. It follows the resignations of Andy Evans, of Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG, earlier this month, and Mark Taylor

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EDP: Mental health trust grapples with problem of one in three staff leaving within 12 months of joining

Nicholas Carding of the Eastern Daily Press reports: One in three staff who join the region’s mental health trust leaves again in less than 12 months, it has emerged. Meanwhile, levels of stress, anxiety, and depression among workers at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is higher than any other mental health trust in

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EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health boss under fire over ‘unexpected deaths’

Tom Bristow of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Chief executive of the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) Michael Scott was quizzed yesterday by Norfolk County councillors about why so many of the trust’s patients have died unexpectedly. But his answers failed to impress campaigners who accused him of failing to explain the deaths. Almost

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Campaign statement to Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) on unexpected deaths at NSFT

Penny, a Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) carer, spoke on behalf of our campaign at the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) of Norfolk County Council today: Thank you for the opportunity of addressing you on behalf of the Campaign about issues arising from the Verita report. I am the nearest relative

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BBC News: Increasing numbers of rough sleepers in city

Caroline Kingdon of the BBC reports: A charity in Norwich that helps the homeless says they’ve seen an increase in the number of rough sleepers in the city over the last few years. The St Martins Housing Trust, which runs the 30-bed Bishopbridge House hostel, says this year they’ve seen about 200 people come through their doors,

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EDP: Letter: Reasons for rise in unexpected deaths need to be established

In an excellent letter to the Eastern Daily Press, Brian Watkins, Liberal Democrat county councillor for the Eaton Division of Norfolk County Council writes: It is deeply disturbing to learn that there has been a big increase in the number of patients under the care of the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust who have died unexpectedly. Despite repeated reassurances that the situation would be

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EDP: Graphic – The large rise in the number of patients dying unexpectedly at the NSFT

In 2012-13, 7.3 patients of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) died unexpectedly each month. Each and every year since, the number of patients of NSFT dying unexpectedly has increased significantly. Our campaign was founded in 2013 by staff concerned about unnecessary deaths as a result of the cuts and chaos of the radical

EDP: Graphic – The large rise in the number of patients dying unexpectedly at the NSFT Read More »

Guardian: NHS child mental health services are failing the next generation, say GPs

Denis Campbell of the Guardian reports: Pulse’s figures, obtained under freedom of information legislation from 15 mental health trusts, showed that 61% of children and young people referred for help from CAMHS in 2015 received no treatment. A third were not even assessed for it. Only 20% of under-18s referred to Norfolk and Suffolk NHS

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Pulse: Why do 60% of GP child mental health referrals end with no treatment?

Caroline Price of Pulse reports: A whole generation of children is being failed by mental health services, say GPs who struggle to access specialist help for their patients. Seven out of the 15 trusts showed marked reductions. For example, at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust the proportion treated fell from 42% to 26%,

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Pulse: Two-thirds of GP referrals for child mental health lead to no treatment

Caroline Price of Pulse reports: Figures obtained from 15 mental health trusts reveal that 60% of GP referrals to child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) lead to no treatment and a third are not even assessed. The situation for young people with mental health issues appears to be worsening, with the numbers of referrals

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EADT: Death of Harriet Philo Powell highlighted ‘weaknesses’ in mental health care

Will Lodge of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: The death of an aspiring art student from the Essex/Suffolk border highlighted “systemic failings” and “weaknesses” in the Suffolk mental health trust, her family told an inquest. Hannah Noyce, who represented Miss Philo Powell’s parents at the inquest, told the court there were apparent “systemic failings”,

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EADT: Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Trust could lose medical training deal with University of East Anglia

Andrew Hirst of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: Suffolk’s mental health trust risks financial losses and reputational damage because of its poor performance training medical students. Directors discussing the programme at last week’s board meeting were told the University of East Anglia (UEA) had proposed to remove its students from the trust because of

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EDP: Mental health trust struggling to fill nursing shifts on region’s inpatient wards

Nicholas Carding of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Staffing levels at mental health wards are under the spotlight today after figures revealed a reduction of permanently employed nurses filling shifts. Figures show the trust’s fill-rate of nurses employed by NSFT is fluctuating between 80pc-90pc, meaning managers have to use extra funds to bring in temporary

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BBC News: ‘Significant increase’ in mental health patients being sent out of area

Nic Rigby of the BBC reports: There has been a “significant increase” in the number of Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust mental health patients sent out of its area in May, a report to its board has found. Click on the image below to read the article in full on the BBC website:

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