The Times: Officials seize control of shamed trust

Bizarrely, this report leaves The Guardian as the only quality daily newspaper which has not reported on the crisis at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT). For how long can what many regard as the natural newspaper of the caring professions ignore what is going on the constituency of the minister responsible for mental health, Norman Lamb?

Chris Smyth of the The Times reports:

A failing mental health trust whose treatment was “uncaring” and whose patients were at risk because of a shortage of staff and beds has become the first to be put into special measures.

Too many patients at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust were being restrained, men had to use the ladies’ lavatory and staff morale was low, the Care Quality Commission found in an inspection last month.

The British Medical Association has claimed that funding cuts and “poorly thought-through” reorganisations have harmed patient care at the trust, criticising bosses for ignoring the concerns of its staff.

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The Times Officials seize control of shamed trust

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