BBC: Mental health patients ‘failed’ says report on Hellesdon Hospital

North Norfolk MP and health minister Norman Lamb said:

“The CQC has found that the hospital is sometimes failing to respect privacy, dignity and independence. It is now critical that the trust responds with a genuine sense of urgency to rectify the concerns raised by the CQC.”

Emma Corlett, Unison union spokeswoman for staff at the trust, said:

“The conclusions of this report are sadly entirely expected. They raise the exact same concerns that Unison members working on the frontline have themselves been raising for months.

Care minister Norman Lamb MP also bears responsibility. It is not acceptable for him to just continue to criticise the mental health trust. He needs to take urgent action. If he genuinely believes in the ‘parity of esteem’ for mental health services he relentlessly talks about, he must provide additional funding, and quickly.”

For how much longer can the Chair and non-executive directors of NSFT bury their heads in the sand and give unconditional support to the executive directors responsible for this failed, hubristic ‘radical redesign’ and the consequent and worsening crisis in mental health care in Norfolk and Suffolk?

Click on the image below to read the full story on the BBC website:

BBC Mental health patients 'failed' says report on Hellesdon Hospital

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