BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health Skype ‘outsourcing’ causes concern

 Emma Corlett, spokeswoman for Unison at the trust, said: “Our view of the report is that it shows whoever did the application did not have a very clear understanding of the work frontline staff do or the way face-to-face therapy works.

“We want a skilled and well-paid workforce here and we should not be looking for outsourcing workers with poor working conditions and wages.”

A spokesman for the Campaign for to Save Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health said: “That NSFT could even consider Skype shows how little the board understands of the work of its staff and the needs of its service users.”

Read Nic Rigby’s article in full on the BBC website by clicking on the image below:
BBC News Norfolk and Suffolk mental health Skype 'outsourcing' causes concern

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