Community Care: Social workers alert Lamb to ‘unsafe and illegal’ mental health crisis care in his constituency
Read the full story written by the excellent Andy McNicoll by clicking on the image below:
Read the full story written by the excellent Andy McNicoll by clicking on the image below:
The recipients of this letter were North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) with copies to Great Yarmouth & Waveney CCG (Healtheast), Norwich CCG, Norman Lamb – Minister of State for Care and Support and MP for North Norfolk, Harold Bodmer – Director of Adult Care Social Services at Norfolk County Council and the Care Quality Commission
A very good piece of reporting from Adam Gretton of the EDP covering the recruitment crisis at NSFT and its desperate plans to recruit from Portugal and Ireland despite making skilled and experienced staff redundant at a cost of £7.3 million – many of whom haven’t even left yet! A mental health trust, which has
EDP: Mental health trust looks overseas to help fill hundreds of vacancies Read More »
We held a demonstration outside Hellesdon Hospital on Saturday 1st March to highlight both the unannounced and scandalous plans to close 13 hostel beds at Hellesdon Hospital and the deepening crisis in mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Gallery: Demonstration at Hellesdon Hospital 1st March 2014 Read More »
We are holding a demonstration outside Hellesdon Hospital on Saturday 1st March to highlight both the unannounced and scandalous plans to close 13 hostel beds at Hellesdon Hospital and the deepening crisis in mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk. Join us at the main entrance to Hellesdon Hospital at 10 a.m. We chose a
Demonstration: Hellesdon Hospital, Saturday 1st March 10 a.m. Read More »
“NSFT is facing unprecedented challenges around recruitment, meaning a significant change in our approach is required. In January 2014, the Director of Nursing and Governance reported to the Board on a number of specific services that were experiencing unusual events or circumstances. The Board were made aware that these events were impacting on clinical quality. One
Yet again Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) cannot find a single member of the NSFT Board, which pays itself more than £750,000 per year, to appear on the BBC to talk about the NHS Staff Survey. There is a particularly illuminating response from a member of staff about NSFT’s reaction to the
The Trust has reduced the year end forecast surplus from £1.9m to £1.6m due to the overall TSS and catering redundancy costs for 2013/14 exceeding the £4.8m specific provision. The projected total redundancy cost for the year is now £7.3m. NSFT has spent £2.5 million more than the £4.8 million specific provision for redundancies and a very
Cost of the NSFT redundancy programme 2013/14 from NSFT’s own financial reports Read More »
For how much longer can the Chair and non-executive directors of NSFT bury their heads in the sand and give unconditional support to the executive directors responsible for this failed, hubristic ‘radical redesign’ and the consequent and worsening crisis in mental health care in Norfolk and Suffolk? Click on the image below to read the
These results are appalling. They are not only bottom quartile, using the quartile methods so beloved of the Operations Director, they are bottom quartile of the bottom quartile, worst of the worst. Some of the NSFT Board and ‘leadership team’ like to blame this campaign for appalling staff morale. This survey was carried out before
If you at all interested in the crisis in mental health in Norfolk and Suffolk, this is an essential recording. Listen to the Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) executives directly challenged by service users, carers, staff and members of the public, many of them members of this campaign. Congratulations to Great Yarmouth &
The governing body of the Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has failed to properly scrutinise the non-executive directors of the Trust and does not reflect the opinions of the majority of its stakeholders. This failure of corporate governance is an important factor in the worsening crisis in mental health services in Norfolk and
Campaign governors needed at NSFT Read More »
North Norfolk MP and health minister Norman Lamb said: “The CQC has found that the hospital is sometimes failing to respect privacy, dignity and independence. It is now critical that the trust responds with a genuine sense of urgency to rectify the concerns raised by the CQC.” Emma Corlett, Unison union spokeswoman for staff at
BBC: Mental health patients ‘failed’ says report on Hellesdon Hospital Read More »
After the publication of a highly critical report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the Director of Nursing, Quality & Patient Safety of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is now claiming that NSFT has ‘taken urgent steps’ to put the problems right. The Director of Nursing claims that ‘We have already taken steps to recruit
Listen as the Operations Director of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) tries to claim that the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) concerns are limited to the signing of Care Plans and waiting times in Access & Assessment. Read the excerpts from the CQC report to discover that the CQC’s concerns are far wider and deeper
It isn’t surprising that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) identified many of the issues about which we have been campaigning for many months. Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) cannot, however, call the CQC claims ‘inaccurate’ or ‘inflammatory’ as it has done to this campaign’s raising of the same problems. Only NSFT could call
The full CQC report can be downloaded as a pdf. Some excerpts, which can be summarised as: lack of community staff, lack of beds and organisational chaos. If this is the situation now, what will it be like at the end of March when more than one quarter of community team staff will have been