Tuesday 19 May 2015 08:42
We are still awaiting a final solution to the access issue for Lorenzo.
HSCIC have a completed a first fix which will unlock the initial problem for around 1,500 staff, however, there may be a second piece of work that the programme team will need to complete before staff can gain access. Therefore, please can you try and log-in to Lorenzo this morning either via clinical applications or the desktop icon.
If you are still not able to access the system then please log the error via the ICT web log making sure to provide full details of the ‘error message’ along with your Smartcard and IMT number and continue to use MH CareNotes and downtime forms until further notice. Clinical notes should be completed on paper and kept with the downtime forms until they can be entered into Lorenzo.
We will keep you up-to-date with progress throughout the day and hope to provide you with better news soon!
Leigh Howlett, Director of Strategy and Resources