EDP: Concern over £16m temporary staffing bill for Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust

“Emma Corlett, NSFT Unison media spokesperson, who is also a mental health nurse in Norwich, said the cuts to local services had proved to be a “false economy.”

She added that the trust continued to spend large sums of money on temporary staffing costs, which amounted to £2.39m in August and more than £8m for the first half of the 2014/15 financial year.

“These figures are alarming. This unbudgeted expenditure is unsustainable and presents a further serious risk to our mental health services. The use of temporary staffing to plug gaps is poor for continuity and consistency of care, which established evidence suggests leads to worse outcomes for people who use mental health services.

“The consequences of these deep cuts to our services are starting to bite even more now, and we need urgent intervention in the form of additional funding and call on Norman Lamb, the government minister responsible, NHS England and the Clinical Commissioning Groups to act. Fine words about parity of esteem between mental and physical health mean nothing without action,” she said.”

The financial situation is worse even than this article implies due to the failure of the radical redesign, the farce of the £7.3 milllion redundancy programme and the deep cuts from imposed on mental health by duplicitous Norman ‘parity of esteem’ Lamb and his overpaid friends in the clinical commissioning groups. We will be running a series of articles over the next few weeks looking at the financial crisis at NSFT in more detail.

Click on the image below to read Adam Gretton’s full article at the EDP website:

EDP Concern over £16m temporary staffing bill for Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust

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