EDP: Revealed: Damning contents of staff report into problems within Norfolk and Suffolk’s mental health trust

Campaign supporters should buy the EDP today. We need to support high-quality investigative journalism which has played a key role in holding Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) to account, as it did at Mid Staffs, in the absence of any meaningful response to the crisis in mental health services from the Department of Health, CCGs, NHS England and local MPs (until Clive Lewis was elected).

Normally we try to summarise with some selected quotes. We don’t today: every word is dynamite.

Click on the image below to read the report written by David Powles and Tom Bristow on the EDP website – but buy the newspaper too:

EDP Revealed Damning contents of staff report into problems within Norfolk and Suffolk’s mental health trust

3 thoughts on “EDP: Revealed: Damning contents of staff report into problems within Norfolk and Suffolk’s mental health trust”

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