EDP: A half-way house to privatisation?

Care minister Norman Lamb denied yesterday that mutuals were a step to privatisation, after campaigners claimed the NSFT could leave the NHS. But a spokesman for the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk, which put in the Freedom of Information request, said: “Staff are up in arms about this. It is […]

EDP: A half-way house to privatisation? Read More »

EDP: Move to improve staff morale causes an upset

Tom Bristow of the EDP reports: But in a move which has done nothing for staff morale the trust suggested employing workers in low wage countries to talk to mental health patients over Skype, in its application to secure government funding to research the project. The NSFT’s full application for government money to explore becoming

EDP: Move to improve staff morale causes an upset Read More »

BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health Skype ‘outsourcing’ causes concern

 Emma Corlett, spokeswoman for Unison at the trust, said: “Our view of the report is that it shows whoever did the application did not have a very clear understanding of the work frontline staff do or the way face-to-face therapy works. “We want a skilled and well-paid workforce here and we should not be looking

BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health Skype ‘outsourcing’ causes concern Read More »

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Mutualisation Application Part I

1. WHAT IS YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE MAIN STRATEGIC CHALLENGES FACING YOUR ORGANISATION(S) AND HOW HAVE YOU ADDRESSED THESE TO DATE? 1. Challenge: Rising referrals, and falling revenues on historic block contracts, causing financial pressures. NSFT has demonstrated strategic leadership though implementing a merger of two previous trusts in 2012, and a full redesign and

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Mutualisation Application Part I Read More »

Kept in the dark: Some of NSFT’s ideas to improve staff engagement

Here are some of the ideas that the Board of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has told the Cabinet Office and the Department of Health it has planned to improve staff morale and engagement in its mutualisation proposals: “[NSFT] is now developing radical new plans to again reduce costs. These include a root-and-branch

Kept in the dark: Some of NSFT’s ideas to improve staff engagement Read More »

Kept in the dark: NSFT’s Board fails to share its intention to leave the NHS with its own Board of Governors, service users, carers and staff

Our initial consideration is converting the entire trust into a typical CIC. This would involve governance changes such as; refining our existing membership model (possibly reducing numbers to include only genuinely active members), a members board (replacing Governors) which will feed input into the main board, elected representatives of both members and of staff on the

Kept in the dark: NSFT’s Board fails to share its intention to leave the NHS with its own Board of Governors, service users, carers and staff Read More »

NSFT – A Warning from History: Sunday Telegraph – NHS fatcats take pay offs – then come back for more

A series of NHS executives who quit their posts with lucrative payoffs have been re-employed on temporary contracts worth thousands of pounds a day. Stephen Dorrell, chairman of the Commons health select committee, said: “This is the sort of thing that gives effective management a really bad name.” Katherine Murphy, Chief Executive of The Patients

NSFT – A Warning from History: Sunday Telegraph – NHS fatcats take pay offs – then come back for more Read More »

EDP: Mental health chief vows to improve staff morale as depression, stress and anxiety hits one in four sick workers

Emma Corlett, Unison steward at the NSFT, said: “The figures match what we have seen on the ground. “There are a number of factors that have impacted on staff, including significant loss of resources and the reorganisation of services. “The consequences of that was people applying for their own jobs and in some cases colleagues

EDP: Mental health chief vows to improve staff morale as depression, stress and anxiety hits one in four sick workers Read More »

Ipswich Star: Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk protests at meeting attended by Norman Lamb, the minister of state for care and support, in Saxmundham

Norman Lamb, the minister of state for care and support, was met by a dozen members of the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk during his visit to Saxmundham on Thursday. The group was started by frontline staff and service users in response to the cuts at the Norfolk and Suffolk

Ipswich Star: Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk protests at meeting attended by Norman Lamb, the minister of state for care and support, in Saxmundham Read More »

Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: NHS more than DOUBLES spending on private beds for mental health patients after slashing hundreds of its own beds – to save money

“In some areas, bed cuts were drastic. One trust alone, Norfolk and Suffolk, axed 74 mental health beds from its stock of 322 in just two years – a cut of almost a quarter.” Local MP Norman Lamb must be so proud of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) and his legacy as the

Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: NHS more than DOUBLES spending on private beds for mental health patients after slashing hundreds of its own beds – to save money Read More »

Video: Dr Daniel Taggart of the University of Essex at our Anniversary Open Meeting

Watch the video below. If you are an Apple user and have trouble viewing the embedded video you can view it directly on Youtube. Sorry, this issue is a sometime side effect of the on-going battle between Google and Apple. Thank you to Andrew Day of Equal Lives for capturing the event so well.

Video: Dr Daniel Taggart of the University of Essex at our Anniversary Open Meeting Read More »

EDP: Norfolk’s Admiral Nurse two-year pilot to help people with dementia coming to an end

The Admiral Nurse pilot scheme has been one of the few bright spots in Norman Lamb’s Bleak Midwinter of mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk. Here’s is a comment made on our website back in July 2014: Yes folks he’s at it again.  Whilst apparently not having remembered any of the press releases by

EDP: Norfolk’s Admiral Nurse two-year pilot to help people with dementia coming to an end Read More »

Report: Lobbying South Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group is a Trial…

“Someone must have had it in for Joseph K., for without having done anything wrong, he ended up representing the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk & Suffolk at South Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) Public Meeting on 13th January. Or rather he should say its meeting in public, for as he was

Report: Lobbying South Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group is a Trial… Read More »

Video: Dr Irene Lampert talking about the CAMHS Crisis at our Anniversary Open Meeting

Watch the video below. If you are an Apple user and have trouble viewing the embedded video you can view it directly on Youtube. Sorry, this issue is a sometime side effect of the on-going battle between Google and Apple. Thank you to Andrew Day of Equal Lives for capturing the event so well.

Video: Dr Irene Lampert talking about the CAMHS Crisis at our Anniversary Open Meeting Read More »

Video: Mark Harrison of Equal Lives speaking at our Anniversary Open Meeting

Watch the video below. If you are an Apple user and have trouble viewing the embedded video you can view it directly on Youtube. Sorry, this issue is a sometime side effect of the on-going battle between Google and Apple. Thank you to Andrew Day of Equal Lives for capturing the event so well.

Video: Mark Harrison of Equal Lives speaking at our Anniversary Open Meeting Read More »

URGENT: A rare opportunity to directly question Norman Lamb, local MP and the Minister directly responsible for mental health at the Department of Health at a PUBLIC MEETING on health and care issues on Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Protest from 7 p.m.

There is a rare opportunity to question Norman Lamb this Thursday, 15 January, 1930 at the Market Hall, Saxmundham, IP17 1AF. We will be protesting beforehand from 1900 and then attending the meeting. It is vital that we challenge Norman Lamb over his government’s cuts to mental health, the disastrous reorganisation of the NHS which means

URGENT: A rare opportunity to directly question Norman Lamb, local MP and the Minister directly responsible for mental health at the Department of Health at a PUBLIC MEETING on health and care issues on Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Protest from 7 p.m. Read More »

Quiz Answer: NSFT’s Trust Secretary enjoys an annual salary of £81,618, excess travel payments of £3,323.70, on call payments of £2,448.60 and a final salary pension

The most popular quiz answer for the annual pay of the NSFT Trust Secretary was between £30,000 and £39,999 which seems quite reasonable. 18% of you guessed the right amount, which was between £80,000 and £89,999 per year. 68% of you thought the Trust Secretary, Robert Nesbitt, would earn less than he actually does. Only

Quiz Answer: NSFT’s Trust Secretary enjoys an annual salary of £81,618, excess travel payments of £3,323.70, on call payments of £2,448.60 and a final salary pension Read More »

An open letter to NSFT, its Board of Governors and the CCGs: Why the Ashcroft contract should be ongoing

An open letter to NSFT, its Board of Governors and the CCGs Why the Ashcroft contract should be ongoing The Bed Crisis Over the last two years, there has been a serious shortage of acute inpatient provision. The number of patients placed out of area, in expensive private hospitals, has fluctuated constantly from a low

An open letter to NSFT, its Board of Governors and the CCGs: Why the Ashcroft contract should be ongoing Read More »

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