Statement on the Mortality Review

The recent appalling revelations in the Mortality Review at the Norfolk andSuffolk Foundation Trust, our local mental health “provider”, have shocked this campaign to its core. To see the stark headlines of 8,000 unexpected deaths in a period of less than three and a half years was truly distressing. As a Campaign we have raised the rising […]

Statement on the Mortality Review Read More »

Enough is Enough!

How do we know when enough is enough and it’s time for radical and immediate action to be taken at NSFT? When reports hit the media about 140 doctors sending a joint letter to the Trust’s chair stating how unsafe things are and there is yet another Prevention of Future Deaths report (that cites falsifying

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Lost Lives NSFT: Campaigners remember the people who have died because of failings in mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk

For bereaved families, the consequences of inadequate mental health services are with them forever. Over a thousand people (see figures below) have died since the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk was formed. Our campaigners want the scale of the loss in our community to be recognised and for those who

Lost Lives NSFT: Campaigners remember the people who have died because of failings in mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk Read More »

Something Must Change: Our press release about terrible CQC report.

Press Release The Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk welcome’s the decision by the CQC to give NSFT an overall quality rating of inadequate. Patients, service users, NSFT staff, family members and carers welcomes the decision by the CQC to give an overall trust quality rating of inadequate.  We are pleased that the CQC has recognised

Something Must Change: Our press release about terrible CQC report. Read More »

Campaigners Slam Bed Plans for Failing Mental Health Trust

We are frustrated that NSFT CEO Stuart Richardson revealed a cut in the number of beds planned for the £45m Hellesdon hospital revamp.  Bed shortages have been a constant sore since the disastrous radical redesign drastically cut the number of beds at NSFT in 2014. Having looked at this EDP article, ,we are asking:

Campaigners Slam Bed Plans for Failing Mental Health Trust Read More »

Peggy Copeman: A much loved Norfolk woman who died because of the beds crisis at NSFT

(written with permission of Peggy Copeman’s family) The CCTV footage of Peggy Copeman being wheeled down the hospital corridor as she left Cygnet hospital can be viewed in this article Peggy is slumped in her wheelchair, her belongings in a bin liner.  When Premier Rescue Ambulance Service staff asked about Peggy’s unresponsiveness a  member

Peggy Copeman: A much loved Norfolk woman who died because of the beds crisis at NSFT Read More »

Here we go again… New CEO at NSFT gets off to a poor start with campaigners.

It is with regret that we have to report that the campaign’s relationship with the new CEO of NSFT looks like it’s breaking down. Before we have even met him. This is a first for us. All the previous CEOs at least managed some tokenistic meetings with our representatives . We genuinely wanted to give

Here we go again… New CEO at NSFT gets off to a poor start with campaigners. Read More »

Tribute to Terry O’Shea – our friend and founder member

On 30th April 2021, we said goodbye to our friend and founder member of our campaign, Terry O’Shea. The funeral service was beautiful and a fitting farewell. Due to Covid restrictions, 30 people attended and the service was live-streamed and nearly 200 people viewed it. We already knew Terry could ‘pull a crowd’ because his

Tribute to Terry O’Shea – our friend and founder member Read More »

Submissions needed for Parliamentary Inquiry into adult social care funding

Dear supporter of the Campaign for Mental Health Services in North Norfolk,It has been brought to our attention that a Parliamentary Inquiry into the long-term funding of adult social care is under way, and that they want responses by Thursday 15th April. This inquiry has not been given any publicity, meaning that there is now a very

Submissions needed for Parliamentary Inquiry into adult social care funding Read More »

Why we are worried about who will be next CEO of NSFT. Includes a template letter for concerned people to use.

The Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Crisis campaign have been expressing concerns about the leadership at NSFT for years. Five years of being in special measures – two of these under the leadership team from ELFT (a.k.a. the A Team) who were drafted in to ‘urgently’ sort out the problems at NSFT. Instead of modelling

Why we are worried about who will be next CEO of NSFT. Includes a template letter for concerned people to use. Read More »

He Died Waiting: The story of Tim – who was one of hundreds of deaths at NSFT

He Died Waiting; Learning the lessons – a bereaved mother’s view of mental health services, by Caroline Aldridge, is a ‘must read’ book for anyone with an interest in mental health. Caroline’s book is unusual because she writes as a mother and as a professional with inside knowledge of mental health services. Campaign supporters (service-users, carers,

He Died Waiting: The story of Tim – who was one of hundreds of deaths at NSFT Read More »

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