A Stitch-up is not Safe: Improvement doesn’t look like this

We’ve known the intended result of the inspection of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) since before Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspected the worst mental health trust in the country. We’ve heard rumours from many quarters that NSFT would be moved from ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Requires Improvement’ tomorrow for months, with the bureaucratic dinosaur known […]

A Stitch-up is not Safe: Improvement doesn’t look like this Read More »

A Stitch-up is not Safe: Campaign writes to Care Quality Commission regarding NSFT inspection

Today, we have written to Care Quality Commission (CQC) expressing our concerns about the inspection currently underway at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), echoing the views of many stakeholders. While we desperately want NSFT to improve, any improvement needs to be genuine rather predetermined for the convenience of the NHS bureaucracy. CQC cannot

A Stitch-up is not Safe: Campaign writes to Care Quality Commission regarding NSFT inspection Read More »

Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job

During the radical redesign, highly trained and experienced front line nurses had their salaries cut and were made redundant or forced out of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) while the mental health trust had hundreds of vacancies and NSFT’s management knew caseloads would be unmanageable. Older, experienced clinical staff were dismissed, some literally,

Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job Read More »

EDP Front Page: Cross-party letter demands end to ‘chaos and confusion’ in Norfolk and Suffolk mental health

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: A cross-party group of MPs have demanded the “chaos and confusion must end” over the region’s failing mental health care provision. Seven MPs from Norfolk and Suffolk, representing the Conservatives, Labour, and the Liberal Democrats, have written to regulator NHS Improvement (NHSI) to slam the “unacceptable drift”

EDP Front Page: Cross-party letter demands end to ‘chaos and confusion’ in Norfolk and Suffolk mental health Read More »

Fact check: EDP: ‘Things are moving in the right direction’ at region’s mental health trust, says chief executive

Geraldine Scott of the EDP ‘interviews’ Michael ‘Payrise’ Scott, the £175,000 per year Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT): The region’s mental health trust has reported it has seen financial growth at the same time as slashing its deficit for the first time in five years. That sounds great. Sadly, ‘slashing

Fact check: EDP: ‘Things are moving in the right direction’ at region’s mental health trust, says chief executive Read More »

EDP: Crowds gather in Norwich city centre to join March for Mental Health

Sabrina Johnson of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Hundreds of people of all ages gathered in Norwich city centre to add their voices to the call for better mental health services and to protest against cuts to the NHS One protester Hazel Van Der Lee, 43, of Great Yarmouth, who had her own experience of

EDP: Crowds gather in Norwich city centre to join March for Mental Health Read More »

Video: BBC Look East leads with our March for Mental Health in Norwich

Jenny Kirk of the BBC reports:   The number of ‘unexpected deaths’ at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has more than doubled in just four years.

Video: BBC Look East leads with our March for Mental Health in Norwich Read More »

Video: BBC Look East on our AGM protest over removal of unexpected deaths from NSFT Annual Report and Prime Minister’s Questions

Watch Kevin Burch of the BBC report on our AGM protest over the ever-increasing number of deaths of patients of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) and the decision of the NSFT Board to remove the number of unexpected deaths from its Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16. The number of unexpected deaths has appeared

Video: BBC Look East on our AGM protest over removal of unexpected deaths from NSFT Annual Report and Prime Minister’s Questions Read More »

EADT: Protest at Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust AGM over unexpected patient deaths data

Gemma Mitchell of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: Campaigners have demanded answers and greater transparency from mental health bosses over a “shocking” rise in unexpected patient deaths in Suffolk and Norfolk. Bereaved families, carers, patients and NHS staff were among the protesters who yesterday attended the annual general meeting (AGM) of the trust that

EADT: Protest at Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust AGM over unexpected patient deaths data Read More »

Deaths Crisis: Is NSFT the mental health Mid Staffs?

A Campaign spokesperson said: “The decision of the Board of NSFT to remove the number of unexpected deaths from its Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16 is disgraceful. The number of NSFT patients dying unexpectedly increased by thirteen per cent in 2015-16 and continues to do so. Since April 2012, at least 572 NSFT patients have

Deaths Crisis: Is NSFT the mental health Mid Staffs? Read More »

BBC News: Mental health budgets ‘still being cut despite pledge’

Sophie Hutchinson, Health Correspondent of BBC News, writes about the mental health feature on yesterday’s national BBC television news: Mental health trusts in England are still having their budgets cut, despite government assurances they would be funded on a par with physical healthcare, figures suggest. Analysis by the King’s Fund think tank, seen by the

BBC News: Mental health budgets ‘still being cut despite pledge’ Read More »

UPDATED: Deaths Crisis: Whitewash Protest: NSFT AGM, IP-City Centre, 1 Bath Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SD on Thursday 20 October at 2 p.m.

UPDATE: For campaigners travelling by train from Norwich, why not join us on the 1200 train to Ipswich? Meet outside the Norwich train station ticket office at 1145. Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has seen the number of unexpected deaths of people in its care more than double from around seven per month

UPDATED: Deaths Crisis: Whitewash Protest: NSFT AGM, IP-City Centre, 1 Bath Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SD on Thursday 20 October at 2 p.m. Read More »

NSFT Masterclass: Chief Executive Michael Scott’s excuses for unexpected deaths more than doubling

When the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) appeared before the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) of Norfolk County Council, he barely deployed a number, percentage or fact. Instead, Michael Scott gave a very long list of excuses, including: “I’m not going to get into a numbers game” “most people

NSFT Masterclass: Chief Executive Michael Scott’s excuses for unexpected deaths more than doubling Read More »

Deaths Crisis: Unexpected deaths denial continues at NSFT

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has published its papers for the Board of Directors meeting on Thursday 22nd September 2016. The papers contain the Quality Report for the NSFT Board prepared by Michelle Allott, Deputy Director of Nursing at NSFT. The report states: Overall, the number of SIs over the past two years

Deaths Crisis: Unexpected deaths denial continues at NSFT Read More »

EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health boss under fire over ‘unexpected deaths’

Tom Bristow of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Chief executive of the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) Michael Scott was quizzed yesterday by Norfolk County councillors about why so many of the trust’s patients have died unexpectedly. But his answers failed to impress campaigners who accused him of failing to explain the deaths. Almost

EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health boss under fire over ‘unexpected deaths’ Read More »

Campaign statement to Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) on unexpected deaths at NSFT

Penny, a Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) carer, spoke on behalf of our campaign at the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) of Norfolk County Council today: Thank you for the opportunity of addressing you on behalf of the Campaign about issues arising from the Verita report. I am the nearest relative

Campaign statement to Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) on unexpected deaths at NSFT Read More »

Invitation: Join us at meeting investigating the rise in unexpected deaths of NSFT patients at Edwards Room, County Hall NR1 2DH at 10 a.m. on Thursday 8th September

We have provided evidence to the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (NHOSC) and hope that a carer and distinguished member of our campaign will be given the opportunity to speak. NSFT unexpected deaths is the first item on the agenda. Details of the meeting are here. A location map is at the bottom of

Invitation: Join us at meeting investigating the rise in unexpected deaths of NSFT patients at Edwards Room, County Hall NR1 2DH at 10 a.m. on Thursday 8th September Read More »

EDP: ‘It is horrendous’ – Figures reveal huge rise in number of unexpected mental health deaths

Tom Bristow of the Archant Investigations Unit reports in the Eastern Daily Press: A record number of patients are dying unexpectedly each month at the region’s troubled mental health trust, despite years of reassurances and reviews into the problem. Campaigners and families of those who have died reacted with horror today to the latest set

EDP: ‘It is horrendous’ – Figures reveal huge rise in number of unexpected mental health deaths Read More »

Sometimes ‘the noise’ is just too much: Speech for the minute’s silence outside Castle Mall on March for Mental Health

Jessica Goldfinch gave an incredibly powerful and moving speech before the minute’s silence outside Castle Mall in Norwich on our March for Mental Health. Many people were moved to tears, some of them the bereaved. Others couldn’t hear Jessica speak as well as they would have liked, given that six hundred people turned up on

Sometimes ‘the noise’ is just too much: Speech for the minute’s silence outside Castle Mall on March for Mental Health Read More »

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