EDP: “We are long way off parity of esteem” – shadow mental health minister Luciana Berger hits out at government during visit to region

Nicholas Carding of the Eastern Daily Press reports on our meeting with Luciana Berger, Shadow Cabinet Minister for Mental Health and Clive Lewis, MP for Norwich South: A senior politician today said parity of esteem is still not occuring within the NHS. Ms Berger, MP for Liverpool Wavertree, met with members of Save Mental Health […]

EDP: “We are long way off parity of esteem” – shadow mental health minister Luciana Berger hits out at government during visit to region Read More »

Social and fundraiser: Friday 18th March at The Angel Gardens, 96 Angel Road, Norwich NR3 3HT, 1900-2300

The membership of the Norwich and District TUC has chosen our campaign for their next fundraising social event. That’s great news. Even better, campaign supporters are invited along for beer, live music from The Red Flags and games at the Angel Gardens, 96 Angel Road, Norwich NR3 3HT from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. on

Social and fundraiser: Friday 18th March at The Angel Gardens, 96 Angel Road, Norwich NR3 3HT, 1900-2300 Read More »

The Guardian: Number of mental health nurses falls 10%

Denis Campbell of The Guardian reports: The number of specialist mental health nurses has fallen more than 10% over the past five years, the Guardian has learned, putting the care of rising numbers of patients at risk. The loss of one in 10 of the entire mental health nursing workforce in England has occurred mainly

The Guardian: Number of mental health nurses falls 10% Read More »

itv News Anglia: Hundreds take to the streets of Norwich for mental health cuts protest

Victoria Leggett of itv News Anglia reports: Hundreds of people took to the streets of Norwich today to protest against cuts to mental health services. The march was organised by Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Crisis, a campaign group set up by front-line health staff and people who rely on the support of the NHS.

itv News Anglia: Hundreds take to the streets of Norwich for mental health cuts protest Read More »

EDP: Marching for better mental health services

Nicholas Carding of the EDP reports: Calls for better mental health services echoed around the centre of Norwich today as hundreds of people took part in a march to send a clear message to NHS leaders. Campaigners and politicians said action is needed now and called for steps to be taken at both local and

EDP: Marching for better mental health services Read More »

Mustard TV: Hundreds march through Norwich as campaigners call for better mental health services

Click on the image below to watch Mark Summer’s excellent report for Mustard TV, Norfolk’s local television channel:

Mustard TV: Hundreds march through Norwich as campaigners call for better mental health services Read More »

March for Mental Health: Saturday 16th January 2016, Norwich city centre, 11 a.m.

We will be marching for mental health through Norwich city centre on Saturday 16th January 2016, assembling on the steps of the main entrance to Norwich City Hall at 11 a.m. We organised this march in response to a large number of requests received by the local media and our campaign. Mental health is now

March for Mental Health: Saturday 16th January 2016, Norwich city centre, 11 a.m. Read More »

EDP: Mental health patients in our region are being failed by the government, says MP

Having our campaigning local media and one MP who genuinely cares about mental health makes such a difference. Annabelle Dickson, Political Editor of the EDP, reports: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health services would have almost £70m a year more if they were treated in the same way as physical health, the Norwich South MP has claimed.

EDP: Mental health patients in our region are being failed by the government, says MP Read More »

EDP: Union backs Mental Health Watch campaign – and highlights ongoing concerns in Norfolk and Suffolk

David Powles of the EDP reports: Bosses of the trust used their recent AGM to proclaim of turning a corner, but Ms Corlett says while some things have improved – there’s a long way to go before staff feel that is the case. She explained: “A lot of staff still feel angry about how change

EDP: Union backs Mental Health Watch campaign – and highlights ongoing concerns in Norfolk and Suffolk Read More »

EADT: Unison at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Trust backs King’s Fund’s warnings over mental health funding

Andrew Hirst of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: Unison at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Trust backs King’s Fund’s warnings over mental health funding. Unison at the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Trust said today’s findings of the King’s Fund’s report “came as no surprise and bears out a lot of the concerns that staff have

EADT: Unison at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Trust backs King’s Fund’s warnings over mental health funding Read More »

Public Meeting: We are among speakers at Blackfriars Hall, Norwich NR3 1AU at 7 p.m. on Friday 11th December

We are speaking about the mental health crisis at the public meeting at Blackfriars Hall, Norwich NR3 1AU at 7 p.m. on Friday 11th December. Come along and support us. Other speakers include influential tax campaigner Richard Murphy, Syriza member and UEA academic Marina Prentoulis, Green Group Leader Richard Bearman, Labour and Unison activist Jo

Public Meeting: We are among speakers at Blackfriars Hall, Norwich NR3 1AU at 7 p.m. on Friday 11th December Read More »

EDP: Meeting hears of mental health concerns

Patients, carers, professionals and members of the public met at the University of East Anglia to share their experiences at the second anniversary meeting of the Campaign to Save Mental Services in Norfolk and Suffolk. The guest speaker, author and Guardian journalist Owen Jones, was invited because of a moving article he wrote when the

EDP: Meeting hears of mental health concerns Read More »

BBC News: Concern at rise in mental health patient deaths

Nic Rigby of the BBC reports: The number of Norfolk and Suffolk mental health patient deaths has gone up from four to six a month between 2013 and 2015, it has been revealed. The 50% increase in the average number of deaths, excluding deaths by natural causes or those drug-related, goes before a trust meeting

BBC News: Concern at rise in mental health patient deaths Read More »

EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk’s troubled mental health trust is not improving quickly enough

Nicholas Carding of the EDP reports: The region’s underfire mental health trust is not improving as quickly as hoped, according to a health watchdog’s leader for mental health. A letter seen by the EDP and Evening News, says the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are expecting to see “more progress at a quicker pace” from Norfolk

EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk’s troubled mental health trust is not improving quickly enough Read More »

Audio: Campaigner Emma Corlett of Unison interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk about cuts of £36 million proposed by NSFT in Special Measures

Listen to Emma Corlett of Unison interviewed by Luke Deal of BBC Radio Suffolk on the subject of the absurd plans for a further £36 million of cuts at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) on top of the £44 million of cuts which have seen, as a direct consequence, NSFT rated inadequate by

Audio: Campaigner Emma Corlett of Unison interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk about cuts of £36 million proposed by NSFT in Special Measures Read More »

EADT: Special report reveals huge rise in mental health cases in Suffolk

The number of children and adults referred into the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has gone up from 34,288 in 2010/11 to 44,574 in 2014/15, revealed in figures released to this newspaper under the Freedom of Information Act. At a time when more people are being referred into the trust, it is looking to

EADT: Special report reveals huge rise in mental health cases in Suffolk Read More »

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