Statement on the Mortality Review

The recent appalling revelations in the Mortality Review at the Norfolk andSuffolk Foundation Trust, our local mental health “provider”, have shocked this campaign to its core. To see the stark headlines of 8,000 unexpected deaths in a period of less than three and a half years was truly distressing. As a Campaign we have raised the rising […]

Statement on the Mortality Review Read More »

EADT: Man killed in A14 collision had just left mental health ward at NSFT

Emily Townsend of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: A 54-year-old man died after being hit by a lorry having only just left the West Suffolk Hospital site in Bury St Edmunds, an inquest heard. This is far from the first or only case of death or serious injury of an inpatient at Norfolk and

EADT: Man killed in A14 collision had just left mental health ward at NSFT Read More »

Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job

During the radical redesign, highly trained and experienced front line nurses had their salaries cut and were made redundant or forced out of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) while the mental health trust had hundreds of vacancies and NSFT’s management knew caseloads would be unmanageable. Older, experienced clinical staff were dismissed, some literally,

Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job Read More »

Campaign Translation: New Deputy COO joins our Trust

New Deputy COO joins our Trust **** Old TSSer rejoins our trust F***! Our new Deputy Chief Operating Officer has spoken of her excitement at returning to the Trust and playing a key role in supporting staff to ensure our new Care Groups are a success. Our new Deputy Chief Operating Officer has spoken of

Campaign Translation: New Deputy COO joins our Trust Read More »

Reaction to the management ‘radical restructure’ and return of Amy Eagle as Deputy Chief Operating Officer of NSFT

Here is just some of the feedback we have received: Closing services, discharging SUs, cutting care, death rate rises. Recognise it? Radical redesign in case you’ve forgotten. Carers and SUs can’t ever forget or forgive That appointment is shocking, they don’t seem to be taking seriously the risk to life of these decisions, we are

Reaction to the management ‘radical restructure’ and return of Amy Eagle as Deputy Chief Operating Officer of NSFT Read More »

EDP: Campaigners protesting against lack of mental health services in north Norfolk

David Bale of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Protestors gathered on Cromer pier today and carried placards and banners to highlight the number of people affected by mental health issues. Even in the appalling weather, about eighty people attended the protest. The protest follows a number of suicides by young people in north Norfolk. Jenna

EDP: Campaigners protesting against lack of mental health services in north Norfolk Read More »

Protest: Can You See Us Now? Cromer Promenade: Wednesday 8th May 2019, Noon – 2 p.m.

The North Norfolk branch of the campaign is holding a protest on Wednesday 8th May 2019, from noon until 2 p.m. we will be filling Cromer Promenade* with as many people as possible – patients, health care providers, friends, family… Mental health affects us all. We urge you to attend if you can and to

Protest: Can You See Us Now? Cromer Promenade: Wednesday 8th May 2019, Noon – 2 p.m. Read More »

Video: Amy Eagle’s contribution to NSFT’s corporate video for the first CQC inspection vs BBC coverage of Alexander Report

Compare what the new deputy Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Amy Eagle, said in NSFT’s corporate videos for the first Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection with what her staff said in the Alexander Report interviews at the same time. We forced publication of the secret report a year

Video: Amy Eagle’s contribution to NSFT’s corporate video for the first CQC inspection vs BBC coverage of Alexander Report Read More »

Video: BBC Look East: NSFT let down Thomas and Katherine Kemp

Revealing reporting, yet again, from the award-winning Health Correspondent of BBC Look East, Nikki Fox. Disgracefully, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust’s Board and senior management refused to be interviewed by the BBC about two preventable deaths. What a fine friend the young couple had in Dorian Goldsmith.

Video: BBC Look East: NSFT let down Thomas and Katherine Kemp Read More »

NHS Staff Survey 2018 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again – yet again

Yet again, the NHS Staff Survey results are appalling. Front line staff have been ‘led’ by overpaid muppets for far too long. With the publication of these results, the ‘leadership’ of the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Antek Lejk, has now been rejected by front line staff as well as service

NHS Staff Survey 2018 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again – yet again Read More »

EDP: Opinion: ‘The biggest disgrace at mental health trust is that people were warned, and failed to act’

Former mental health nurse and Norfolk County Council mental health champion Emma Corlett writes in the Eastern Daily Press: As yet another damning report about Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is released, we need to take a look at why local mental health services are in such a mess. A perfect storm of

EDP: Opinion: ‘The biggest disgrace at mental health trust is that people were warned, and failed to act’ Read More »

Deaths Crisis: EDP: Deaths at mental health trust due to safety incidents rise by 75pc

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Serious safety incidents led to 35 deaths at the region’s mental health trust over a six month period, figures have revealed. The data, which showed the number of “unintended or unexpected incidents that could have or did lead to harm” reported between October 2017 and March 2018,

Deaths Crisis: EDP: Deaths at mental health trust due to safety incidents rise by 75pc Read More »

Call to action: Norfolk and Waveney STP mental health consultation event: FREE: Monday 19th November, 1800-2030, Assembly House, Norwich NR2 1RQ

Norfolk and Waveney’s so-called STP is holding consultations across Norfolk with a view to creating a ten year strategy for mental health. The STP bureaucrats are talking about a Stalinist ten-year plan when mental health services are in crisis NOW. Of course, the bureaucrats will be long gone before the ten years are up, with

Call to action: Norfolk and Waveney STP mental health consultation event: FREE: Monday 19th November, 1800-2030, Assembly House, Norwich NR2 1RQ Read More »

Farewell Robert Nesbitt, ridiculously-titled ‘Company Secretary’

Robert Nesbitt retires as ‘Company Secretary’ at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) this week on a fine salary and pension. In many ways, the career of Robert Nesbitt exemplifies all that has gone wrong at NSFT. Before the merger which created NSFT, Robert Nesbitt was ‘Director of Community Engagement’ at Suffolk Mental Health

Farewell Robert Nesbitt, ridiculously-titled ‘Company Secretary’ Read More »

NHS Staff Survey 2017 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again

Yet again, the NHS Staff Survey results are appalling. Even worse than 2016. The extremely expensive Comms Department at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) will try to spin these results, just as it did with the most recent CQC inspection which found that mental health services were unsafe for an unprecedented second time; that NSFT

NHS Staff Survey 2017 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again Read More »

EDP: Mother of Norwich man who died of heroin overdose blames institutional failings of mental health trust

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The family of a man who died of a heroin overdose at his Norwich flat blamed “institutional failings of the mental health trust” for the circumstances surrounding his death. Mr Jacobs’ friends told Norfolk’s Coroner’s Court this morning it was here Mr Jacobs was victim to the

EDP: Mother of Norwich man who died of heroin overdose blames institutional failings of mental health trust Read More »

Petition: Major improvements to NSFT Suffolk and Norfolk mental health services needed now!

Emily Luccarini has started a petition demanding improvements to mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk delivered by Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT). Click on the image below to sign the petition and add your own comments. Thanks Emily!  

Petition: Major improvements to NSFT Suffolk and Norfolk mental health services needed now! Read More »

Fact check: EDP: ‘Things are moving in the right direction’ at region’s mental health trust, says chief executive

Geraldine Scott of the EDP ‘interviews’ Michael ‘Payrise’ Scott, the £175,000 per year Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT): The region’s mental health trust has reported it has seen financial growth at the same time as slashing its deficit for the first time in five years. That sounds great. Sadly, ‘slashing

Fact check: EDP: ‘Things are moving in the right direction’ at region’s mental health trust, says chief executive Read More »

EDP: Crowds gather in Norwich city centre to join March for Mental Health

Sabrina Johnson of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Hundreds of people of all ages gathered in Norwich city centre to add their voices to the call for better mental health services and to protest against cuts to the NHS One protester Hazel Van Der Lee, 43, of Great Yarmouth, who had her own experience of

EDP: Crowds gather in Norwich city centre to join March for Mental Health Read More »

Video: BBC Look East leads with our March for Mental Health in Norwich

Jenny Kirk of the BBC reports:   The number of ‘unexpected deaths’ at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has more than doubled in just four years.

Video: BBC Look East leads with our March for Mental Health in Norwich Read More »

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