EADT: Man killed in A14 collision had just left mental health ward at NSFT

Emily Townsend of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: A 54-year-old man died after being hit by a lorry having only just left the West Suffolk Hospital site in Bury St Edmunds, an inquest heard. This is far from the first or only case of death or serious injury of an inpatient at Norfolk and […]

EADT: Man killed in A14 collision had just left mental health ward at NSFT Read More »

The Times: Abuse inquiry: Norfolk and Waveney STP Chair Patricia Hewitt led group that backed Paedophile Information Exchange

Sean O’Neill of The Times reports: The former Labour cabinet minister Patricia Hewitt must accept responsibility for the “foolish and misguided support” given to a paedophile campaign by a leading human rights group, the inquiry report said. Ms Hewitt and her former ministerial colleague Harriet Harman were senior figures in the National Council for Civil

The Times: Abuse inquiry: Norfolk and Waveney STP Chair Patricia Hewitt led group that backed Paedophile Information Exchange Read More »

A Stitch-up is not Safe: Improvement doesn’t look like this

We’ve known the intended result of the inspection of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) since before Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspected the worst mental health trust in the country. We’ve heard rumours from many quarters that NSFT would be moved from ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Requires Improvement’ tomorrow for months, with the bureaucratic dinosaur known

A Stitch-up is not Safe: Improvement doesn’t look like this Read More »

EDP Front Page: Cross-party letter demands end to ‘chaos and confusion’ in Norfolk and Suffolk mental health

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: A cross-party group of MPs have demanded the “chaos and confusion must end” over the region’s failing mental health care provision. Seven MPs from Norfolk and Suffolk, representing the Conservatives, Labour, and the Liberal Democrats, have written to regulator NHS Improvement (NHSI) to slam the “unacceptable drift”

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Our correspondence to Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, and the Chief Executives of NHS Improvement and NHS England regarding their toleration of the mental health Mid Staffs at NSFT

We wrote to: Matthew Hancock, Secretary of State at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and MP for West Suffolk Dido Harding, Chair, NHS Improvement (NHSI) Ian Dalton, Chief Executive, NHS Improvement (NHSI) Dale Bywater, Executive Regional Managing Director (Midlands and East), NHS Improvement (NHSI) Paul Watson, regional director at responsible for the

Our correspondence to Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, and the Chief Executives of NHS Improvement and NHS England regarding their toleration of the mental health Mid Staffs at NSFT Read More »

Campaign Road Trip: Three strikes and you’re out! London protests at DHSC, NHSI and NHSE and meeting MPs in Parliament: Monday 17th December 2018

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Improvement (NHSI) appear to have decided to ignore the third Inadequate report from care regulator, Care Quality Commission (CQC) and are trying to kick the can down the road yet again, leaving the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Campaign Road Trip: Three strikes and you’re out! London protests at DHSC, NHSI and NHSE and meeting MPs in Parliament: Monday 17th December 2018 Read More »

EDP: Opinion: ‘The biggest disgrace at mental health trust is that people were warned, and failed to act’

Former mental health nurse and Norfolk County Council mental health champion Emma Corlett writes in the Eastern Daily Press: As yet another damning report about Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is released, we need to take a look at why local mental health services are in such a mess. A perfect storm of

EDP: Opinion: ‘The biggest disgrace at mental health trust is that people were warned, and failed to act’ Read More »

The Guardian: Ministers urged to act over Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust

Matthew Weaver of The Guardian reports: The health secretary, Matt Hancock, is facing mounting calls to intervene in England’s worst performing mental health trust after it was rated inadequate for a third time. There have been more than 250 extra deaths in Norfolk and Suffolk over the past five years as a result of the

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Video: BBC News at Six: NSFT expected to fail yet another CQC inspection

BBC Health Correspondent, Sophie Hutchinson, of the BBC national News at Six, discusses Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) being expected to fail yet another inspection by Care Quality Commission (CQC). When are NHS Improvement, NHS England and, most of all, Health Secretary, Matthew Hancock, going to act?

Video: BBC News at Six: NSFT expected to fail yet another CQC inspection Read More »

Three Days of Action: Hat-trick of failure: Three strikes and you’re out!

We expect Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) to receive yet another atrocious inspection report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on Wednesday 28th November. We have planned a week of action across Norfolk and Suffolk. Wednesday 28th November: Protest against the Board of NSFT outside the main (top entrance) to Hellesdon Hospital, Drayton

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Sunday Telegraph: Mental health in the NHS: ‘My son wanted to die; we begged for help but there was none’

When Linda Jones received a call from her distraught husband, one cold day in December 2008, to say that their beloved 17-year-old son, Matthew, had committed suicide in his bedroom, she was inconsolable, as any mother would be. But she was not surprised. The despair the Joneses feel at the state of Britain’s mental-health services

Sunday Telegraph: Mental health in the NHS: ‘My son wanted to die; we begged for help but there was none’ Read More »

BBC: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust funding concerns

Nic Rigby of the BBC reports: A mental health trust covering an area where care minister Norman Lamb is MP has warned it is struggling to provide a “safe and effective” service. Gary Page, chair of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, said “fundamental” changes were needed. Mr Page told the BBC: “We welcome the

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Financial crisis: EDP ‘It can not go on’ – CEO’s warning on mental health funding

Michael Scott, who took over as boss of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) earlier this year, said his organisation was already around £1m in deficit for the current financial year and the way mental health services were funded could not carry on. It is great news that Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Financial crisis: EDP ‘It can not go on’ – CEO’s warning on mental health funding Read More »

23rd Day of Lent: Going without the support of our own MPs – Open Letter

Dear Norfolk & Suffolk Members of Parliament, We are a group of mental health staff, people who use services and members of the community who are deeply concerned about the impact of cuts forced on our mental health trust. Today we are walking side by side from the office of Ben Gummer MP in Ipswich

23rd Day of Lent: Going without the support of our own MPs – Open Letter Read More »

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