Dis the CQC: EDP: Staff members suspended, police called, and patients left unsupervised at private mental health hospital inspectors could close down in six months

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Inspectors found the hospital was unsafe and poorly led, and chief inspector of hospitals Professor Edward Baker said the CQC was beginning “the process of preventing the provider from operating the service”. This means if in six months things have not improved, the CQC will shut the […]

Dis the CQC: EDP: Staff members suspended, police called, and patients left unsupervised at private mental health hospital inspectors could close down in six months Read More »

Video: BBC Look East leads with the immediate ‘retirement’ of NSFT Chief Executive, Michael Scott

Stewart White and Mike Liggins lead BBC Look East with the sudden ‘retirement’ of the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Michael Scott, shortly before the publication of an inspection report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). As well as outlining the worsening bed crisis and millions wasted on temporary staff,

Video: BBC Look East leads with the immediate ‘retirement’ of NSFT Chief Executive, Michael Scott Read More »

Dis the CQC: NSFT pays consultants £58,000 to contradict the Care Quality Commission about beds

Explaining why services at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) were unsafe, the most recent inspection report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) noted (page 8): “There remained a shortage of beds across the trust and that this had impaired patient safety and treatment at times. Staff worked with other services in the trust

Dis the CQC: NSFT pays consultants £58,000 to contradict the Care Quality Commission about beds Read More »

Government Minister visits Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT)’s new perinatal mental health service

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has a new perinatal service with £2.5m funding, two highly-paid consultants, a manager and other staff. NSFT’s Board and Comms team think it is brilliant, saying: The new Community Perinatal Mental Health Service for Norfolk and Waveney started seeing a small number of service users in April following

Government Minister visits Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT)’s new perinatal mental health service Read More »

Fact check: EDP: ‘Things are moving in the right direction’ at region’s mental health trust, says chief executive

Geraldine Scott of the EDP ‘interviews’ Michael ‘Payrise’ Scott, the £175,000 per year Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT): The region’s mental health trust has reported it has seen financial growth at the same time as slashing its deficit for the first time in five years. That sounds great. Sadly, ‘slashing

Fact check: EDP: ‘Things are moving in the right direction’ at region’s mental health trust, says chief executive Read More »

Video: BBC iPlayer: Panorama: Revealed: Britain’s Mental Health Crisis

One month after prime minister Theresa May promised to ‘transform the way we deal with mental health problems right across society’, reporter Sophie Hutchinson investigates the troubled state of NHS mental health services. She hears the concerns of staff and patients at the first mental health trust in England to be placed in special measures,

Video: BBC iPlayer: Panorama: Revealed: Britain’s Mental Health Crisis Read More »

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 3: Maggie Wheeler, Chair, NSFT

Because of her then status in the Norwich Labour Party, and the frequent use of politically-correct buzzwords like ‘recovery’ and ‘ImROC’, many people trusted Maggie Wheeler and her Board when it promised ‘new services will be as effective as they are now, if not better’ as a result of the Trust Service Strategy (TSS) at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), better

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 3: Maggie Wheeler, Chair, NSFT Read More »

BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust to cut 90 posts

Nikki Fox and Nic Rigby of the BBC report: An NHS trust caring for mentally ill people in Norfolk and Suffolk which was placed in special measures by a care watchdog, is planning to cut 90 posts. The Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust wants to cut its deficit from £8.9m in 2015-16 to £6.1m in

BBC News: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust to cut 90 posts Read More »

Fiscal Fantasy Island: NSFT spends over half its Out Of Trust Acute (OOA) Beds budget in first two months of the year

The number of out of trust acute (OOA) bed days has nearly doubled: from 332 days in April 2016 to 647 days in May 2016. Most of these patients are being sent to the expensive, remote and private Mundesley Hospital, where it seems that none of the medical staff have passed the exams of the Royal

Fiscal Fantasy Island: NSFT spends over half its Out Of Trust Acute (OOA) Beds budget in first two months of the year Read More »

The Norwich Radical: The Elephant in the Room: Norfolk’s Mental Health Crisis

Hannah Rose reports in The Norwich Radical from the recent RSA event: Instead, I was perturbed by the oddly formal sense of occasion — cheese and wine were offered on arrival — and I was given instructions to mingle. I had the distinct feeling that I was definitely at the wrong meeting. Only around fifty chairs

The Norwich Radical: The Elephant in the Room: Norfolk’s Mental Health Crisis Read More »

NSFT – A Warning from History: Unexpected deaths: 2013 vs 2016: Has anything changed?

Compare what Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) claimed in 2013 with what NSFT claims in 2016. What has changed except that NSFT suffered 45 unexpected deaths in the first three months of 2016 compared with 22 per quarter in 2012-13? While the number of deaths has doubled, the excuses remain the same. Most

NSFT – A Warning from History: Unexpected deaths: 2013 vs 2016: Has anything changed? Read More »

Invitation: 6th June 2016: Meeting with NSFT about unexpected deaths at 6 p.m. today at Hellesdon Hospital

We’re meeting the Director of Nursing, Jane Sayer, and the Medical Director, Bohdan Solomka, of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) to discuss the extremely disappointing report into the alarming increase in unexpected deaths at NSFT to a record number. Worse still, the number of unexpected deaths continues to rise but NSFT remains complacent: there

Invitation: 6th June 2016: Meeting with NSFT about unexpected deaths at 6 p.m. today at Hellesdon Hospital Read More »

BBC News: Investigation of mental health deaths in Norfolk and Suffolk to report in May

The BBC reports: An NHS trust caring for mentally ill people in Norfolk and Suffolk is to carry out an independent review of unexplained deaths. Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has appointed Verita to examine how the deaths are dealt with. The trust had 129 such deaths in 2014-15 – up from 61

BBC News: Investigation of mental health deaths in Norfolk and Suffolk to report in May Read More »

Audio: BBC Radio Norfolk: Matthew Gudgin interviews campaigner, Norman Lamb and Michael Scott about the shocking increase in unexpected deaths at NSFT

Matthew Gudgin of the BBC interviews a spokesperson for our campaign, former mental health minister Norman Lamb and the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Michael Scott. It is brilliant that both the BBC and the EDP are giving mental health the attention it deserves. Now NHS England, local health commissioners

Audio: BBC Radio Norfolk: Matthew Gudgin interviews campaigner, Norman Lamb and Michael Scott about the shocking increase in unexpected deaths at NSFT Read More »

EDP: “We are not surprised” – campaigners say as data shows highest number of unexpected deaths in Norfolk and Suffolk trust

The Eastern Daily Press reports: The boss of Norfolk and Suffolk’s mental health trust has insisted the service is safe after “deeply distressing” data showing the highest number of “unexpected deaths” in the country, Michael Scott, chief executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Trust, said it would be a tragedy if people were being scared

EDP: “We are not surprised” – campaigners say as data shows highest number of unexpected deaths in Norfolk and Suffolk trust Read More »

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Board won’t face the public as services go down the toilet

We’ve raised the issue of members of the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Board sitting with their backsides to the public, sometimes not even turning around to answer direct questions from the public, before, as have others. It is discourteous. From the minutes of the NSFT Board meeting held on 22nd October, released

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Board won’t face the public as services go down the toilet Read More »

Gallery: Slides from Public Meeting: What is happening at NSFT? Do we still need a campaign?

You can view the presentation in the Gallery below or download the slides as a pdf to view offline, distribute or print.   The sources of the employment data are the various Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Annual Report and Accounts published between 2011 and 2015. The sources of the Serious Incident (SI)

Gallery: Slides from Public Meeting: What is happening at NSFT? Do we still need a campaign? Read More »

Fantasy Island: The CQC Video Files: ‘Well-led’

What’s the best thing to come out of service strategy? A majority of respondents replied ‘nothing’ when asked their views on the best thing to come out of Service Strategy. One reflected sadly, ‘finding positives is difficult. I rely on finding positives for my clients’. Alexander Report This ‘corporate video’ was made in preparation for

Fantasy Island: The CQC Video Files: ‘Well-led’ Read More »

Kept in the Dark: 24th September 2015: Join us at the hidden NSFT Board meeting in Ipswich

There is an NSFT Board meeting tomorrow starting at 9.30 a.m. at the Elisabeth Room, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich IP1 2BX Not that you would know about it from the NSFT website. You can download the hidden papers as a pdf. Join us to challenge the NSFT Board about this evening’s profoundly shocking revelations about the on-going crisis in

Kept in the Dark: 24th September 2015: Join us at the hidden NSFT Board meeting in Ipswich Read More »

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